Abridged Life Table, Black Male Michigan Residents, 2023
Age nqx lx ndx nLx Tx ex
0-1 .01215 100,000 1,215 98,980 6,868,657 68.687
1-5 .00207 98,785 204 394,614 6,769,677 68.529
5-10 .00165 98,581 162 492,493 6,375,063 64.668
10-15 .00224 98,419 220 491,683 5,882,570 59.771
15--20 .00838 98,199 823 489,108 5,390,887 54.898
20-25 .01071 97,376 1,043 484,416 4,901,779 50.339
25-30 .01563 96,333 1,506 478,089 4,417,363 45.855
30-35 .02054 94,827 1,948 469,442 3,939,274 41.542
35-40 .02536 92,879 2,355 458,808 3,469,832 37.359
40-45 .03715 90,524 3,363 444,551 3,011,024 33.262
45-50 .04583 87,161 3,995 426,024 2,566,473 29.445
50-55 .05251 83,166 4,367 405,438 2,140,449 25.737
55-60 .08062 78,799 6,353 378,998 1,735,011 22.018
60-65 .11731 72,446 8,499 341,719 1,356,013 18.718
65-70 .15459 63,947 9,886 295,418 1,014,294 15.861
70-75 .19335 54,061 10,452 244,156 718,876 13.298
75-80 .22884 43,609 9,979 193,075 474,720 10.886
80-85 .29531 33,630 9,931 144,191 281,645 8.375
85+ 1.00000 23,699 23,699 137,454 137,454 5.800

Note: Life expectancy is a hypothetical calculation of the average age at death for a cohort of persons subject to the age-specific mortality rates observed over a given time period.

Life Table Values are:

nqx = The proportion of persons in the cohort alive at the beginning of an age interval (x) who will die before reaching the end of that age interval (x+n).
lx = The number of persons living at the beginning of an age interval (x) out of an original cohort of 100,000.
ndx = The number of persons who would die during an age interval (x to x+n) out of an original cohort of 100,000.
nLx = The number of person-years that would be lived within an indicated age interval (x to x+n) out of an original cohort of 100,000 alive for all or part of the interval.
Tx = The number of person-years that would be lived after the beginning of an age interval (x) by an original cohort of 100,000 until all are assumed to have died.
ex = The average remaining lifetime (in years) for an individual person who survives to the beginning of an indicated age interval (x).
Source: Michigan Resident Death Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services; Population Estimate (latest update 7/2020), National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Census Populations With Bridged Race Categories
2020-2022 population is 2020 CDC Bridge estimates proportionally fitted to U.S. Census population estimates. .