Total Deaths for 113 selected causes and
Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile1 and COVID-192,
By Gender
Michigan Residents, 2023

Major Categories of Causes Of Death

Group 113
Cause of Death by Category Total Male Female
1-113 All Causes 103,359 53,506 49,851
4-5 Tuberculosis 15 7 8
18-40 Malignant neoplasms 20,915 10,992 9,923
35-39 Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue 1,946 1,138 808
42 Anemias 207 93 114
43 Diabetes mellitus 3,160 1,812 1,348
44-45 Nutritional deficiencies 709 270 439
48 Alzheimer's disease 4,063 1,240 2,823
49-64 Major cardiovascular diseases 34,215 17,546 16,669
49-59 Heart Disease 26,165 14,037 12,128
52-55 Ischemic heart diseases 14,432 8,417 6,015
54-55 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 11,502 6,680 4,822
56-59 Other heart diseases 7,685 3,631 4,054
61 Cerebrovascular diseases 5,787 2,430 3,357
63-64 Other diseases of circulatory system 817 437 380
66-67 Influenza and pneumonia 1,368 728 640
68-69 Other acute lower respiratory infections 5 3 2
70-73 Chronic lower respiratory diseases 5,129 2,351 2,778
80-81 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 1,597 967 630
83-86 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis 1,892 978 914
90-91 Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 21 - 21
96-104 Accidents 6,206 4,000 2,206
96-98 Transport accidents 1,352 977 375
99-104 Non-transport accidents 4,854 3,023 1,831
105-106 Intentional self-harm (suicide) 1,530 1,226 304
107-108 Assault (homicide) 640 504 136
110-111 Events of undetermined intent 456 326 130
114 Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile 100 39 61
115 COVID-19 1,633 835 798


List Of 113 Selected Causes Of Death,
Enterocolitis Due To Clostridium Difficile, and COVID-19

Specific 113 Code Cause of Death Total Male Female
1-113. All Causes 103,359 53,506 49,851
1. Salmonella infections 1 1 -
2. Shigellosis & amebiasis - - -
3. Certain other intestinal infections 183 68 115
4-5. Tuberculosis 15 7 8
4. Respiratory tuberculosis 10 6 4
5. Other tuberculosis 5 1 4
6. Whooping cough - - -
7. Scarlet fever & erysipelas - - -
8. Meningococcal infection 3 1 2
9. Septicemia 1,248 641 607
10. Syphilis 1 - 1
11. Acute poliomyelitis - - -
12. Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis - - -
13. Measles - - -
14. Viral hepatitis 62 33 29
15. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease 104 80 24
16. Malaria - - -
17. Other & unspecified infectious & parasitic diseases & their sequelae 1,965 1,010 955
18- 40. Malignant neoplasms 20,915 10,992 9,923
18. Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity & pharynx 406 296 110
19. Malignant neoplasm of esophagus 625 503 122
20. Malignant neoplasm of stomach 304 178 126
21. Malignant neoplasms of colon, rectum & anus 1,753 876 877
22. Malignant neoplasms of liver & intrahepatic bile ducts 778 490 288
23. Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 1,782 909 873
24. Malignant neoplasm of larynx 154 130 24
25. Malignant neoplasms of trachea, bronchus & lung 5,097 2,642 2,455
26 Malignant melanoma of skin 262 175 87
27. Malignant neoplasm of breast 1,290 12 1,278
28. Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri 128 - 128
29. Malignant neoplasms of corpus uteri & uterus,part unspecified 448 - 448
30. Malignant neoplasm of ovary 400 - 400
31. Malignant neoplasm of prostate 1,051 1,051 -
32. Malignant neoplasms of kidney & renal pelvis 486 324 162
33. Malignant neoplasm of bladder 643 473 170
34. Malignant neoplasms of meninges, brain & other parts of central nervous system 627 358 269
35-39. Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic & related tissue: 1,946 1,138 808
35. Hodgkin's disease 37 24 13
36. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 657 393 264
37. Leukemia 775 442 333
38. Multiple myeloma & immunoproliferative neoplasms 469 273 196
39. Other & unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic & related tissue 8 6 2
40. All other & unspecified malignant neoplasms 2,735 1,437 1,298
41. In situ neoplasms, benign neoplasms & neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behavior 562 314 248
42. Anemias 207 93 114
43. Diabetes mellitus 3,160 1,812 1,348
44-45. Nutritional deficiencies 709 270 439
44. Malnutrition 691 264 427
45. Other nutritional deficiencies 18 6 12
46. Meningitis 23 15 8
47. Parkinson's disease 1,294 818 476
48. Alzheimer's disease 4,063 1,240 2,823
49-64. Major cardiovascular diseases 34,215 17,546 16,669
49-59. Heart Disease 26,165 14,037 12,128
49. Acute rheumatic fever & chronic rheumatic heart diseases 150 45 105
50. Hypertensive heart disease 3,300 1,657 1,643
51. Hypertensive heart & renal disease 598 287 311
52-55. Ischemic heart diseases 14,432 8,417 6,015
52. Acute myocardial infarction 2,835 1,685 1,150
53. Other acute ischemic heart diseases 95 52 43
54-55. Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 11,502 6,680 4,822
54. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease,so described 4,717 2,789 1,928
55. All other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease 6,785 3,891 2,894
56-59. Other heart diseases 7,685 3,631 4,054
56. Acute & subacute endocarditis 60 36 24
57. Diseases of pericardium & acute myocarditis 47 24 23
58. Heart failure 3,236 1,505 1,731
59. All other forms of heart disease 4,342 2,066 2,276
60 Essential (primary) hypertension & hypertensive renal disease 1,248 551 697
61 Cerebrovascular diseases 5,787 2,430 3,357
62 Atherosclerosis 196 90 106
63-64. Other diseases of the circulatory system 817 437 380
63. Aortic aneurysm & dissection 392 224 168
64. Other diseases of arteries, arterioles & capillaries 425 213 212
65. Other disorders of circulatory system 128 60 68
66-67. Influenza & pneumonia3 1,368 728 640
66. Influenza 135 62 73
67. Pneumonia 1,233 666 567
68-69. Other acute lower respiratory infections4 5 3 2
68. Acute bronchitis & bronchiolitis 2 1 1
69. Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection 3 2 1
70-73. Chronic lower respiratory diseases 5,129 2,351 2,778
70. Bronchitis, chronic & unspecified 9 4 5
71. Emphysema 308 162 146
72. Asthma 128 48 80
73. Other chronic lower respiratory diseases 4,684 2,137 2,547
74. Pneumoconioses & chemical effects 7 6 1
75. Pneumonitis due to solids & liquids 449 244 205
76. Other diseases of respiratory system 1,400 761 639
77. Peptic ulcer 117 58 59
78. Diseases of appendix 16 9 7
79. Hernia 81 32 49
80-81. Chronic liver disease & cirrhosis 1,597 967 630
80. Alcoholic liver disease 885 575 310
81. Other chronic liver disease & cirrhosis 712 392 320
82. Cholelithiasis & other disorders of gallbladder 140 80 60
83-86. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome & nephrosis 1,892 978 914
83. Acute & rapidly progressive nephritic & nephrotic syndrome 22 13 9
84. Chronic glomerulonephritis, nephritis & nephritis not specified as acute or chronic, & renal sclerosis unspecified 12 7 5
85. Renal failure 1,856 956 900
86. Other disorders of kidney 2 2 -
87. Infections of kidney 31 11 20
88. Hyperplasia of prostate 16 16 -
89. Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs 3 - 3
90-91. Pregnancy, childbirth & the puerperium 21 - 21
90. Pregnancy with abortive outcome - - -
91. Other complications of pregnancy,childbirth & the puerperium 21 - 21
92. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 294 161 133
93. Congenital malformations, deformations & chromosomal abnormalities 353 180 173
94. Symptoms, signs & abnormal clinical & laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified 841 485 356
95. All other diseases 11,826 5,330 6,496
96-104. Accidents 6,206 4,000 2,206
96-98. Transport accidents 1,352 977 375
96. Motor vehicle accidents 1,241 890 351
97. Other land transport accidents 32 26 6
98. Water, air & space, & other & unspecified transport accidents & their sequelae 79 61 18
99-104. Non-transport accidents 4,854 3,023 1,831
99. Falls 1,574 771 803
100. Accidental discharge of firearms 8 8 -
101. Accidental drowning & submersion 71 59 12
102. Accidental exposure to smoke, fire & flames 117 78 39
103. Accidental poisoning & exposure to noxious substances 2,506 1,769 737
104. Other & unspecified non-transport accidents & their sequelae 578 338 240
105-106. Intentional self-harm (suicide) 1,530 1,226 304
105. Intentional self-harm (suicide) by discharge of firearms 839 751 88
106. Intentional self-harm (suicide) by other & unspecified means & their sequelae 691 475 216
107-108. Assault (homicide) 640 504 136
107. Assault (homicide) by discharge of firearms 517 431 86
108. Assault (homicide) by other & unspecified means & their sequelae 123 73 50
109. Legal intervention 14 12 2
110-111. Events of undetermined intent 456 326 130
110. Discharge of firearms, undetermined intent 10 6 4
111. Other & unspecified events of undetermined intent & their sequelae 446 320 126
112. Operations of war & their sequelae - - -
113. Complications of medical & surgical care 69 37 32
114. Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile 100 39 61
115. COVID-19 1,633 835 798


Group Number 113: Deaths are classified using the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), a coding structure developed by the World Health Organization. The number of deaths are tabulated using the List of 113 Selected Causes of Death which was developed to identify and rank the leading causes of death by the National Center for Health Statistics. See NCHS's Instruction Manual, Part 9: Underlying Cause-of-Death Lists for Tabulating Mortality Statistics and additions COVID-19 Alert No. 6 for ICD-10 definitions.

1Included in "Certain other intestinal infections (A04,A07-A09)" shown above. Beginning with data year 2006, Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile (A04.7) is shown separately at the bottom of tables showing 113 selected causes and is included in the list of rankable causes death.
2Beginning with data year 2020, COVID-19 is shown separately at the bottom of tables showing 113 selected causes and is included in the list of rankable causes of death.
3New ICD-10 code J09 (Influenza due to identified avian influenza virus) was added to the category in 2007
4New ICD-10 code U04 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS]) was added to the category in 2007.