Number of Deaths by Age and Sex,
Hispanic and Middle Easterner Michigan Residents, 2023
Age in Years Hispanic Middle Easterner
Total Male Female Total Male Female
< 1 57 30 27 28 17 11
1-4 11 5 6 6 5 1
5-9 5 4 1 1 1 -
10-14 6 4 2 7 5 2
15-19 26 20 6 6 6 -
20-24 56 39 17 13 11 2
25-29 58 42 16 8 7 1
30-34 75 48 27 27 19 8
35-39 63 43 20 28 23 5
40-44 86 62 24 18 10 8
45-49 93 42 51 28 23 5
50-54 123 82 41 54 33 21
55-59 119 75 44 50 31 19
60-64 171 117 54 78 47 31
65-69 192 111 81 98 66 32
70-74 192 107 85 136 89 47
75-79 201 103 98 166 102 64
80-84 172 85 87 208 123 85
85-89 186 80 106 155 65 90
90+ 222 85 137 289 112 177
All Ages 2,114 1,184 930 1,404 795 609

Note: Death records with sex not stated are included only in the "Total" column.

Middle Easterner: Decedents who were Arab, Chaldean, Assyrian or Syriac.
Source: 2023 Michigan Resident Death File, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.