Number of Deaths by Age, Race and Sex,
Michigan Residents, 2023
Age in
Total White Black Asian & Pacific Islander Native American Multi-racial
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
< 1 607 332 274 297 169 128 195 110 84 23 7 16 1 - 1 40 20 20
1-4 124 68 56 58 31 27 37 20 17 6 3 3 1 - 1 7 5 2
5-9 71 49 22 39 26 13 24 17 7 3 2 1 - - - 2 1 1
10-14 101 64 37 47 26 21 35 23 12 2 1 1 1 1 - 6 5 1
15-19 325 227 98 167 107 60 107 86 21 5 4 1 4 2 2 17 11 6
20-24 542 380 161 290 211 78 160 108 52 13 8 5 5 1 4 20 12 8
25-29 762 530 232 419 295 124 228 163 65 11 7 4 7 4 3 28 19 9
30-34 1,190 796 394 700 468 232 356 243 113 8 7 1 15 11 4 21 10 11
35-39 1,400 938 462 914 626 288 344 218 126 21 11 10 11 7 4 24 16 8
40-44 1,692 1,085 607 1,068 679 389 464 293 171 20 14 6 16 11 5 27 20 7
45-49 1,999 1,271 728 1,313 826 487 511 340 171 24 14 10 15 11 4 27 14 13
50-54 3,032 1,871 1,161 2,062 1,271 791 731 441 290 35 26 9 23 14 9 43 27 16
55-59 4,910 3,079 1,831 3,561 2,246 1,315 1,033 633 400 57 42 15 46 31 15 35 18 17
60-64 7,935 4,789 3,146 6,080 3,657 2,423 1,449 875 574 62 38 24 44 25 19 59 38 21
65-69 10,194 5,929 4,265 7,847 4,608 3,239 1,837 1,024 813 76 42 34 57 33 24 80 40 40
70-74 11,637 6,581 5,056 9,316 5,332 3,984 1,780 937 843 95 52 43 39 24 15 58 37 21
75-79 13,123 6,985 6,138 10,931 5,886 5,045 1,537 743 794 118 54 64 47 27 20 68 35 33
80-84 13,859 6,926 6,933 12,005 6,053 5,952 1,213 546 667 143 70 73 45 21 24 61 29 32
85-89 12,981 5,717 7,264 11,461 5,121 6,340 985 370 615 143 62 81 29 12 17 44 15 29
90+ 16,874 5,888 10,986 15,026 5,274 9,752 1,263 385 878 147 71 76 23 7 16 55 9 46
All Ages 103,359 53,506 49,851 83,601 42,912 40,688 14,289 7,575 6,713 1,013 536 477 429 242 187 722 381 341

Note: Death records with sex or race not stated are included only in the "Total" column.

Source: 2023 Michigan Resident Death File, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.