Pregnancies by Outcome and Fertility, Abortion and Pregnancy Rates by County
Estimated Population for Females
Michigan Residents, 2023

Females Age 15 - 19
County of Residence Population Live Births Abortions Estimated Miscarriages Estimated Pregnancies Fertility Rates Abortion Rates Pregnancy Rates
Michigan 310,273 3,422 2,243 909 6,574 11.0 7.2 21.2
Alcona 192 7 1 2 10 36.5 * 52.1
Alger 154 4 - 1 5 * - *
Allegan 3,723 35 10 8 53 9.4 2.7 14.2
Alpena 736 4 2 1 7 * * 9.5
Antrim 631 6 3 2 11 9.5 * 17.4
Arenac 382 5 1 1 7 * * 18.3
Baraga 222 5 - 1 6 * - 27.0
Barry 1,805 22 4 5 31 12.2 * 17.2
Bay 2,890 48 18 11 77 16.6 6.2 26.6
Benzie 435 4 2 1 7 * * 16.1
Berrien 4,605 78 17 17 112 16.9 3.7 24.3
Branch 1,395 28 3 6 37 20.1 * 26.5
Calhoun 4,123 82 34 20 136 19.9 8.2 33.0
Cass 1,547 22 6 5 33 14.2 3.9 21.3
Charlevoix 666 5 3 1 9 * * 13.5
Cheboygan 590 10 2 2 14 16.9 * 23.7
Chippewa 1,086 11 4 3 18 10.1 * 16.6
Clare 763 18 3 4 25 23.6 * 32.8
Clinton 2,363 15 15 4 34 6.3 6.3 14.4
Crawford 298 5 - 1 6 * - 20.1
Delta 953 9 3 2 14 9.4 * 14.7
Dickinson 655 3 - 1 4 * - *
Eaton 3,050 32 23 9 64 10.5 7.5 21.0
Emmet 873 9 7 2 18 10.3 8.0 20.6
Genesee 12,022 200 143 54 397 16.6 11.9 33.0
Gladwin 579 7 3 2 12 12.1 * 20.7
Gogebic 338 3 2 1 6 * * 17.8
Grand Traverse 2,753 16 9 4 29 5.8 3.3 10.5
Gratiot 1,491 17 4 4 25 11.4 * 16.8
Hillsdale 1,572 27 7 6 40 17.2 4.5 25.4
Houghton 1,518 5 2 1 8 * * 5.3
Huron 797 8 4 2 14 10.0 * 17.6
Ingham 12,882 107 81 30 218 8.3 6.3 16.9
Ionia 1,833 37 6 8 51 20.2 3.3 27.8
Iosco 558 11 4 3 18 19.7 * 32.3
Iron 257 9 1 2 12 35.0 * 46.7
Isabella 3,474 26 10 6 42 7.5 2.9 12.1
Jackson 4,727 98 38 23 159 20.7 8.0 33.6
Kalamazoo 9,056 109 63 28 200 12.0 7.0 22.1
Kalkaska 503 5 2 1 8 * * 15.9
Kent 21,409 243 132 62 437 11.4 6.2 20.4
Keweenaw 56 - - - - - - -
Lake 239 3 4 1 8 * * 33.5
Lapeer 2,443 15 12 4 31 6.1 4.9 12.7
Leelanau 478 1 2 - 3 * * *
Lenawee 3,079 27 16 7 50 8.8 5.2 16.2
Livingston 5,503 18 16 5 39 3.3 2.9 7.1
Luce 129 1 1 - 2 * * *
Mackinac 244 1 3 - 4 * * *
Macomb 24,130 172 191 54 417 7.1 7.9 17.3
Manistee 624 7 4 2 13 11.2 * 20.8
Marquette 2,501 13 3 3 19 5.2 * 7.6
Mason 785 9 2 2 13 11.5 * 16.6
Mecosta 1,299 19 8 5 32 14.6 6.2 24.6
Menominee 575 6 1 1 8 10.4 * 13.9
Midland 2,394 13 8 3 24 5.4 3.3 10.0
Missaukee 428 6 - 1 7 14.0 - 16.4
Monroe 4,483 36 15 9 60 8.0 3.3 13.4
Montcalm 1,807 29 2 6 37 16.0 * 20.5
Montmorency 174 6 - 1 7 34.5 - 40.2
Muskegon 5,069 98 41 24 163 19.3 8.1 32.2
Newaygo 1,540 24 6 5 35 15.6 3.9 22.7
Oakland 35,947 195 174 56 425 5.4 4.8 11.8
Oceana 766 12 8 3 23 15.7 10.4 30.0
Ogemaw 505 6 - 1 7 11.9 - 13.9
Ontonagon 111 2 1 - 3 * * *
Osceola 685 20 4 4 28 29.2 * 40.9
Oscoda 181 5 1 1 7 * * 38.7
Otsego 719 12 4 3 19 16.7 * 26.4
Ottawa 12,874 57 37 15 109 4.4 2.9 8.5
Presque Isle 281 7 2 2 11 24.9 * 39.1
Roscommon 484 10 3 2 15 20.7 * 31.0
Saginaw 6,092 83 54 22 159 13.6 8.9 26.1
St. Clair 4,582 43 20 11 74 9.4 4.4 16.2
St. Joseph 1,910 38 11 9 58 19.9 5.8 30.4
Sanilac 1,186 16 3 4 23 13.5 * 19.4
Schoolcraft 174 2 2 1 5 * * *
Shiawassee 1,938 19 15 5 39 9.8 7.7 20.1
Tuscola 1,392 22 8 5 35 15.8 5.7 25.1
Van Buren 2,326 38 11 9 58 16.3 4.7 24.9
Washtenaw 15,506 66 74 21 161 4.3 4.8 10.4
Wayne 53,694 856 796 251 1,903 15.9 14.8 35.4
Detroit City 22,704 565 518 165 1,248 24.9 22.8 55.0
Wayne Excluding Detroit City 36,369 291 278 86 655 8.0 7.6 18.0
Wexford 1,034 14 5 3 22 13.5 * 21.3
Unknown --- - 3 - 3 --- --- ---

Note: Miscarriages are estimates adapted from a model developed by C. Tietz and J. Bongaarts of the Population Council (20% of the Live Births and 10% of the Abortions). Total live birth and total abortion figures are used in place of age 15-44. All rates are per 1,000 age and sex specific population. County figures may not add to state totals.

"*" -- a rate is not calculated when there are fewer than 6 events.

Pregnancies are the sum of live births, abortions and estimated miscarriages.

Source: 2023 Files of Induced Abortions Occurring in Michigan and 2023 Michigan Resident Live Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.

Population: 1990 - 2022 Bridged Population Estimates by Age and Race (latest update 7/2023), NCHS. Between 2021 - 2022, Bridged population was estimated using U.S Census Bureau non-bridged population. 2023 bridged population is not available and was estimated using 2022 bridged population.