Number of Hispanic and Middle Easterner Live Births by Selected County and Michigan
Michigan Residents, 2013 - 2023

Hispanic Live Births

County 20132014201520162017201820192020202120222023
Michigan7,7637,6257,7687,7597,6397,4217,579 7,1417,056 7,1147,528
Allegan134156 157159141145 135 142145 112117
Berrien 163 142 152 130 140 144 139 116 128 136 146
Genesee182167 144178164182 173 167 191203248
Ingham267300 259281272266 271 290297290289
Kalamazoo202211184203211196 221 191185186215
Kent1,1881,2921,2831,3011,2401,253 1,220 1,0651,002 941954
Lenawee132145 12711510996104 10886 10194
Macomb298276 298303352301323 316320 282340
Muskegon188151 167166150128142 143151151160
Oakland796713 794796784756 739 713 707 731776
Ottawa472414 447437455420 444 405349 352344
Saginaw252254260226243241239 221218227196
Van Buren190164 176160152132 149 151132143155
Washtenaw195212 220196177184192 193186 231282
Wayne1,7411,661 1,7051,6551,6681,588 1,682 1,586 1,609 1,6481,725
Other 1,363 1,367 1,395 1,453 1,381 1,389 1,406 1,334 1,350 1,380 1,487

Number of Hispanic and Middle Easterner Live Births by Selected County and Michigan
Michigan Residents, 2013 - 2023 (Continued)

Middle Easterner Live Births

County 20132014201520162017201820192020202120222023

Source: 2023 Michigan Resident Birth File, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services .