Number of Live Births by Method of Delivery and Obstetric Procedures
By Race and Ancestry of Mother,
Michigan Residents, 2023

Method of Delivery or
Obstetric Procedures
Race Ancestry
All Races White Black American
Asian &
All Other Races Hispanic Arab
Method of Delivery
Fetal presentation at birth                
Cephalic 92,460 67,441 16,889 944 4,130 2,124 6,987 4,310
Breech 3,849 2,934 566 39 185 78 263 178
Other 2,459 1,843 372 21 111 97 250 100
Final route and method of delivery                
Vaginal/Spontaneous 63,826 47,304 11,154 628 2,578 1,530 4,954 2,928
Vaginal/Forceps 362 266 46 3 38 7 16 33
Vaginal/Vacuum 1,973 1,452 286 19 161 42 148 104
Cesarean 32,919 23,425 6,398 358 1,661 727 2,409 1,533
Cesarean/trial of labor attempted 10,628 7,007 2,459 119 695 253 771 370
Obstetric Procedures
Cervical cerclage 181 96 67 1 9 4 8 15
Tocolysis 92 62 21 2 3 2 6 5
External Cephalic Version 280 235 16 2 16 5 21 11
Successful 120 96 8 1 10 2 5 4
Failure 160 139 8 1 6 3 16 7
Total Live Births 99,179 72,504 17,895 1,012 4,440 2,306 7,528 4,599


Notes: Records with race not stated are included only in the 'All Races' column. Sum of births with any one maternal morbidity does not equal the sum of all morbidity because any one mother may have multiple morbidity.

2023 Michigan Resident Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.