Pregnancies by Outcome and Fertility, Abortion and Pregnancy Rates
Estimated Population for Females,
Michigan Residents, 2005 - 2023

White Females Age 15 - 19

Year Population Live
Abortions Estimated
2023 239,453 1,842 836 452 3,130 7.7 3.5 13.1
2022 239,453 1,961 828 475 3,264 8.2 3.5 13.6
2021 239,229 2,203 728 513 3,444 9.2 3.0 14.4
2020 251,492 2,231 884 535 3,650 8.9 3.5 14.5
2019 243,580 2,651 968 627 4,246 10.9 4.0 17.4
2018 246,649 2,878 998 675 4,551 11.7 4.0 18.5
2017 249,783 3,059 1,024 714 4,797 12.2 4.1 19.2
2016 252,755 3,390 1,052 783 5,225 13.4 4.2 20.7
2015 254,109 3,796 1,186 878 5,860 14.9 4.7 23.1
2014 256,070 4,185 1,305 968 6,458 16.3 5.1 25.2
2013 259,023 4,550 1,358 1,046 6,954 17.6 5.2 26.8
2012 262,658 4,948 1,347 1,124 7,419 18.8 5.1 28.2
2011 267,238 5,484 1,538 1,251 8,273 20.5 5.8 31.0
2010 273,341 6,020 1,888 1,393 9,301 22.0 6.9 34.0
2009 280,035 6,646 1,940 1,523 10,109 23.7 6.9 36.1
2008 284,628 6,963 2,146 1,607 10,716 24.5 7.5 37.6
2007 288,447 7,493 2,259 1,725 11,477 26.0 7.8 39.8
2006 288,807 7,589 2,413 1,759 11,761 26.3 8.4 40.7
2005 288,626 7,456 2,632 1,754 11,842 25.8 9.1 41.0

Note: Miscarriages are estimates adapted from a model developed by C. Tietz and J. Bongaarts of the Population Council (20% of the Live Births and 10% of the Abortions). Before 1983, miscarriage and pregnancy estimates use abortions age groups 10-19 instead of ages 15-19. All rates are per 1,000 age and sex specific population.

Pregnancies are the sum of live births, abortions and estimated miscarriages.
Source: 2005 - 2023 Files of Induced Abortions Occurring in Michigan and 2005 - 2023 Michigan Resident Live Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.

Population: 1990 - 2022 Bridged Population Estimates by Age and Race (latest update 7/2023), NCHS. Between 2021 - 2022, Bridged population was estimated using U.S Census Bureau non-bridged population. 2023 bridged population is not available and was estimated using 2022 bridged population.