Number of Live Births by Characteristics of Labor and Delivery,
By Race and Ancestry of Mother,
Michigan Residents, 2023

Characteristics of Labor and Delivery Race Ancestry
All Races White Black American
Asian &
All Other Races Hispanic Arab
Induction of labor 33,178 25,103 5,316 368 1,384 768 2,530 1,306
Augmentation of labor 21,084 15,894 3,105 248 1,064 591 1,894 1,248
Non-vertex presentation 3,429 2,661 459 25 196 61 224 137
Steroids received for fetal lung maturation 3,866 2,810 763 51 151 60 292 134
Antibiotics received by mother during labor 18,745 13,270 3,803 245 806 471 1,550 859
Clinical chorioamnionitis diagnosed during labor 1,333 879 232 19 141 48 157 69
Meconium staining moderate/heavy 3,863 2,711 788 46 176 93 357 186
Fetal intolerance of labor 7,162 4,902 1,517 60 433 189 552 369
Epidural or spinal anesthesia during labor 72,273 53,074 12,773 710 3,339 1,614 5,449 3,257
None of the above 15,241 11,120 2,819 164 603 391 1,066 693
Total Live Births 99,179 72,504 17,895 1,012 4,440 2,306 7,528 4,599



2023 Michigan Resident Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.