Estimated Population and
Pregnancies by Outcome and Fertility, Abortion and Pregnancy Rates
by Selected County,
Black Female Michigan Residents, 2023
County of Residence Population Live Births Abortions Estimated Miscarriages Estimated Pregnancies Fertility Rates Abortion Rates Pregnancy Rates
Michigan 321,371 17,895 15,185 5,098 38,178 55.7 47.3 118.8
Berrien 5,075 307 81 70 458 60.5 16.0 90.2
Calhoun 3,394 229 123 58 410 67.5 36.2 120.8
Eaton 1,915 129 41 30 200 67.4 21.4 104.4
Genesee 18,485 1,142 862 315 2,319 61.8 46.6 125.5
Ingham 10,160 601 230 143 974 59.2 22.6 95.9
Jackson 2,685 173 86 43 302 64.4 32.0 112.5
Kalamazoo 8,796 520 288 133 941 59.1 32.7 107.0
Kent 17,978 1,030 518 258 1,806 57.3 28.8 100.5
Lenawee 533 33 44 11 88 61.9 82.6 165.1
Macomb 28,883 1,725 1,742 519 3,986 59.7 60.3 138.0
Monroe 1,025 63 33 16 112 61.5 32.2 109.3
Muskegon 5,494 352 183 89 624 64.1 33.3 113.6
Oakland 37,717 1,827 1,790 544 4,161 48.4 47.5 110.3
Ottawa 1,834 95 43 23 161 51.8 23.4 87.8
Saginaw 8,136 508 340 136 984 62.4 41.8 120.9
St. Clair 969 56 25 14 95 57.8 25.8 98.0
Washtenaw 11,697 511 325 135 971 43.7 27.8 83.0
Wayne 147,125 8,128 8,288 2,454 18,870 55.2 56.3 128.3
Detroit City 100,673 5,744 6,065 1,755 13,564 57.1 60.2 134.7
Wayne Excluding Detroit City 27,241 2,384 2,223 699 5,306 87.5 81.6 194.8

Note: Miscarriages are estimates adapted from a model developed by C. Tietz and J. Bongaarts of the Population Council (20% of the Live Births and 10% of the Abortions). Total live birth and total abortion figures are used in place of age 15-44. All rates are per 1,000 age and sex specific population. County figures may not add to state totals.

"*" -- a rate is not calculated when there are fewer than 6 events.

Pregnancies are the sum of live births, abortions and estimated miscarriages.

Source: 2023 Files of Induced Abortions Occurring in Michigan and 2023 Michigan Resident Live Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.

Population: 1990 - 2022 Bridged Population Estimates by Age and Race (latest update 7/2023), NCHS. Between 2021 - 2022, Bridged population was estimated using U.S Census Bureau non-bridged population. 2023 bridged population is not available and was estimated using 2022 bridged population.