Number of Live Births by Maternal Risk Factors in Pregnancy
By Race and Ancestry of Mother,
Michigan Residents, 2023

Maternal Risk Factors Race Ancestry
All Races White Black American
Asian &
All Other Races Hispanic Arab
Prepregnancy 1,020 633 260 16 73 30 100 46
Gestational 7,494 5,442 991 102 692 187 601 467
Prepregnancy 2,879 1,821 905 26 71 38 159 70
Gestational1 10,121 7,594 1,835 127 307 173 683 228
Previous Cesarean Delivery                
Yes 15,135 10,784 3,019 166 676 351 1,233 737
More than one 4,662 3,192 1,118 61 133 103 436 277
Previous preterm birth 4,570 3,016 1,226 53 154 85 374 144
Other previous poor outcome2 3,884 2,936 654 48 138 70 266 93
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy 1,031 713 203 12 55 45 103 50
Pregnancy by infertility treatment 1,246 1,022 57 8 141 12 41 105
None of the above risks 72,407 53,087 13,009 684 3,101 1,763 5,607 3,592
Exposure to Tobacco 9,827 7,500 1,790 259 88 120 637 162
Mother smoked while pregnant3 6,489 5,031 1,146 185 37 45 342 46
Mother exposed to smokers at home 6,232 4,880 985 173 65 88 441 131
Mother ever smoked 11,888 9,161 2,148 296 114 98 695 145
Total Live Births 99,179 72,504 17,895 1,012 4,440 2,306 7,528 4,599


Notes: 1Gestational Hypertension includes pregnancy induced hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia.
2The category "Other previous poor outcome" includes perinatal deaths, small for gestation age births, or intrauterine growth-restricted births.
3Mothers who had a history of smoking, but never quit, plus those who quit at some point between estimated conception and birth date.

For information regarding alcohol consumption and other behaviorial risk factors, see Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring (PRAMS) at


2023 Michigan Resident Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.