Pregnancies by Outcome and Fertility, Abortion and Pregnancy Rates
Estimated Population for Females,
Michigan Residents, 1980 - 2023

Year Population Live
Abortions Estimated
2023 1,894,433 98,905 28,249 22,606 149,760 52.2 14.9 79.1
2022 1,894,433 102,098 27,069 23,127 152,294 53.9 14.3 80.4
2021 1,887,318 104,730 28,034 23,749 156,513 55.5 14.9 82.9
2020 1,893,439 103,874 27,763 23,551 155,188 54.9 14.7 82.0
2019 1,878,364 107,657 25,667 24,098 157,422 57.3 13.7 83.8
2018 1,879,739 109,851 25,353 24,506 159,710 58.4 13.5 85.0
2017 1,879,918 111,229 25,551 24,801 161,581 59.2 13.6 86.0
2016 1,880,459 113,129 25,147 25,141 163,417 60.2 13.4 86.9
2015 1,885,022 112,960 25,792 25,171 163,923 59.9 13.7 87.0
2014 1,893,595 114,199 26,138 25,454 165,791 60.3 13.8 87.6
2013 1,897,298 113,465 25,230 25,216 163,911 59.8 13.3 86.4
2012 1,900,164 112,417 22,517 24,735 159,669 59.2 11.9 84.0
2011 1,905,546 113,879 22,651 25,041 161,571 59.8 11.9 84.8
2010 1,914,170 114,401 22,584 25,139 162,124 59.8 11.8 84.7
2009 1,938,741 117,015 21,635 25,567 164,217 60.4 11.2 84.7
2008 1,973,631 120,745 24,980 26,647 172,372 61.2 12.7 87.3
2007 2,009,754 124,801 23,829 27,343 175,973 62.1 11.9 87.6
2006 2,039,615 127,186 24,704 27,908 179,798 62.4 12.1 88.2
2005 2,064,063 127,122 24,251 27,850 179,223 61.6 11.7 86.8
2004 2,083,796 129,311 25,200 28,382 182,893 62.1 12.1 87.8
2003 2,103,447 130,521 28,227 28,927 187,675 62.1 13.4 89.2
2002 2,121,676 129,136 27,866 28,614 185,616 60.9 13.1 87.5
2001 2,141,208 132,849 26,875 29,257 188,981 62.0 12.6 88.3
2000 2,154,478 135,660 25,704 29,702 191,066 63.0 11.9 88.7
1999 2,195,710 133,429 25,388 29,225 188,042 60.8 11.6 85.6
1998 2,206,063 133,649 27,085 29,438 190,172 60.6 12.3 86.2
1997 2,217,004 133,549 28,386 29,548 191,483 60.2 12.8 86.4
1996 2,223,415 133,231 28,913 29,538 191,682 59.9 13.0 86.2
1995 2,219,794 134,169 29,751 29,809 193,729 60.4 13.4 87.3
1994 2,215,759 137,844 31,798 30,749 200,391 62.2 14.4 90.4
1993 2,219,861 139,560 34,329 31,345 205,234 62.9 15.5 92.5
1992 2,226,401 143,827 33,160 32,081 209,068 64.6 14.9 93.9
1991 2,230,504 149,478 33,119 33,208 215,805 67.0 14.8 96.8
1990 2,216,610 153,080 34,655 34,082 221,817 69.1 15.6 100.1
1989 2,215,231 148,164 35,138 33,147 216,449 66.9 15.9 97.7
1988 2,222,180 139,635 45,438 32,471 217,544 62.8 20.4 97.9
1987 2,229,846 140,466 47,814 32,875 221,155 63.0 21.4 99.2
1986 2,214,398 137,626 40,441 31,569 209,636 62.2 18.3 94.7
1985 2,187,107 138,052 41,400 31,750 211,202 63.1 18.9 96.6
1984 2,169,062 135,782 40,747 31,231 207,760 62.6 18.8 95.8
1983 2,159,221 133,026 38,949 30,500 202,475 61.6 18.0 93.8
1982 2,171,196 137,950 41,866 31,777 211,593 63.5 19.3 97.5
1981 2,185,167 140,579 44,031 32,519 217,129 64.3 20.1 99.4
1980 2,191,050 145,162 43,964 33,429 222,555 66.3 20.1 101.6

Note: Miscarriages are estimates adapted from a model developed by C. Tietz and J. Bongaarts of the Population Council (20% of the Live Births and 10% of the Abortions). Total live birth and total abortion figures are used in place of age 15-44. All rates are per 1,000 age and sex specific population.

Pregnancies are the sum of live births, abortions and estimated miscarriages.
Source: 1980 - 2023 Files of Induced Abortions Occurring in Michigan and 1980 - 2023 Michigan Resident Live Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.

Population: 1990 - 2022 Bridged Population Estimates by Age and Race (latest update 7/2023), NCHS. Between 2021 - 2022, Bridged population was estimated using U.S Census Bureau non-bridged population. 2023 bridged population is not available and was estimated using 2022 bridged population.