Live Births and Birth Ratios with No Prenatal Care by Age
and Race of Mother, Michigan Residents, 2023
of Mother
in Years
All Races White Black All Other Races
Number Ratio Number Ratio Number Ratio Number Ratio
<15 6 157.9 4 * 2 * - -
15 - 19 196 57.3 87 47.2 88 67.0 14 63.1
20 - 24 534 33.1 261 24.6 228 53.0 30 28.3
25 - 29 799 27.2 481 21.9 259 50.3 26 12.4
30 - 34 784 24.3 509 20.6 196 42.5 36 13.6
35 - 39 380 25.6 267 23.8 80 39.8 22 15.4
40+ 102 33.3 68 30.9 21 42.2 4 *
Total 2,816 28.4 1,677 23.1 874 48.8 132 17.0
Median Age at
Last Birthday
29 30 27 29

Note: Records with race not stated are included in the "All Races" column only. Ratios are per 1,000 live births to mothers in the specific age and race group.
Source: 2023 Michigan Resident Birth File, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.