Table 15-C
Invasive Cancer Incidence by Age at Diagnosis
Michigan Residents, 1985 - 2020
Year of
50 - 59 60 - 74 50 - 74
2018-2020 9,250   679.1 ±7.7 25,505   1,470.5 ±9.3 34,755   1,122.4 ±5.9
2017-2019 9,810   712.1 ±7.9 25,701   1,520.3 ±9.6 35,511   1,157.4 ±6.0
2016-2018 10,152   722.5 ±7.8 25,146   1,524.3 ±9.7 35,298   1,155.5 ±6.0
2015-2017 10,406   727.2 ±7.8 24,433   1,521.8 ±9.8 34,839   1,147.3 ±6.0
2014-2016 10,542   726.1 ±7.7 23,756   1,525.6 ±10.0 34,298   1,139.8 ±6.0
2013-2015 10,512   717.7 ±7.6 22,841   1,515.5 ±10.1 33,352   1,122.3 ±6.0
2012-2014 10,582   720.0 ±7.6 22,275   1,529.3 ±10.3 32,856   1,122.9 ±6.1
2011-2013 10,728   730.7 ±7.7 22,320   1,588.3 ±10.7 33,048   1,150.1 ±6.2
2010-2012 10,851   742.5 ±7.8 22,300   1,646.3 ±11.0 33,151   1,177.2 ±6.3
2009-2011 10,860   749.3 ±7.8 22,007   1,686.8 ±11.3 32,867   1,193.4 ±6.4
2008-2010 10,675   745.3 ±7.9 21,192   1,687.2 ±11.5 31,867   1,185.4 ±6.5
2007-2009 10,650   754.7 ±8.0 20,867   1,726.2 ±11.9 31,517   1,202.9 ±6.6
2006-2008 10,509   755.8 ±8.0 20,412   1,760.1 ±12.2 30,920   1,212.5 ±6.7
2005-2007 10,370   761.6 ±8.1 19,980   1,782.1 ±12.5 30,349   1,222.5 ±6.8
2004-2006 9,991   753.8 ±8.2 19,394   1,774.4 ±12.6 29,385   1,215.1 ±6.9
2003-2005 9,691   756.3 ±8.4 19,340   1,796.9 ±12.8 29,030   1,231.4 ±7.0
2002-2004 9,517   765.6 ±8.5 19,618   1,855.5 ±13.0 29,134   1,266.6 ±7.2
2001-2003 9,326   772.6 ±8.7 19,795   1,904.4 ±13.3 29,120   1,296.2 ±7.3
2000-2002 9,120   779.3 ±8.9 19,880   1,936.1 ±13.4 28,999   1,319.9 ±7.4
1999-2001 8,732   774.1 ±9.0 19,913   1,948.6 ±13.5 28,645   1,332.4 ±7.5
1998-2000 8,345   769.2 ±9.2 19,850   1,944.6 ±13.5 28,194   1,339.1 ±7.6
1997-1999 7,906   758.0 ±9.3 19,795   1,936.6 ±13.5 27,701   1,341.4 ±7.7
1996-1998 7,508   752.9 ±9.5 19,600   1,908.7 ±13.4 27,108   1,339.3 ±7.8
1995-1997 7,168   747.8 ±9.6 19,599   1,895.1 ±13.3 26,766   1,343.3 ±7.8
1994-1996 6,892   744.1 ±9.8 19,737   1,896.3 ±13.2 26,629   1,353.8 ±7.9
1993-1995 6,722   743.7 ±9.9 20,294   1,938.7 ±13.3 27,016   1,385.0 ±8.0
1992-1994 6,508   742.1 ±10.0 21,077   2,001.9 ±13.4 27,585   1,429.4 ±8.1
1991-1993 6,364   748.6 ±10.2 21,351   2,016.7 ±13.4 27,714   1,451.9 ±8.2
1990-1992 6,174   744.1 ±10.3 20,807   1,961.7 ±13.3 26,980   1,427.3 ±8.2
1989-1991 6,037   736.1 ±10.3 19,700   1,860.2 ±13.0 25,737   1,369.6 ±8.1
1988-1990 5,862   716.0 ±10.2 18,536   1,755.4 ±12.8 24,398   1,301.4 ±8.0
1987-1989 5,811   706.0 ±10.1 17,737   1,686.3 ±12.6 23,548   1,255.9 ±7.9
1986-1988 5,824   701.1 ±10.0 16,941   1,620.7 ±12.5 22,765   1,213.5 ±7.8
1985-1987 5,908   703.7 ±10.0 16,505   1,593.0 ±12.4 22,413   1,194.9 ±7.8


Notes: Age-specific Rate is per 100,000 population in a specific age group.  Adding and subtracting the number shown after the ± symbol from the rate creates a confidence interval indicating that the true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of this interval with 95% statistical confidence.

COVID-19 Pandemic: In 2020, the highly publicized impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health services and the consequential delays and reductions in cancer screening and diagnosis led to a decline in the 2020 incidence rates for most cancer sites. Because 2020 was a temporary, anomalous year, it can bias estimates such as cancer incidence trends.

Average Number is the number of new invasive cancer cases diagnosed in the period, divided by the number of years in the period.

: A case is defined as a person with any newly diagnosed cancer with a behavior code of 3 (malignant primary site). Both in-situ and invasive urinary bladder cancer cases are included, in order to be consistent with national tabulations from the National Cancer Institute.
Source: Michigan Resident Cancer Incidence File. Updated with cases processed through November 30, 2022. Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.
Last Updated: April 13, 2023
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