Male and Female Michigan ResidentsLung Invasive Cancer Incidence by Age at Diagnosis
Table 23-A
Invasive Lung Cancer Incidence by Age at Diagnosis
Male Michigan Residents, 1985-2020
Year of
< 50 Years 50 - 74 Years 75 Years and Over Total
2018-2020 91   2.9 ±0.3 2,606   173.6 ±3.8 1,264   427.2 ±12.9 3,961   63.1 ±1.1
2017-2019 99   3.1 ±0.4 2,709   182.8 ±3.9 1,327   454.7 ±13.3 4,134   67.4 ±1.1
2016-2018 106   3.4 ±0.4 2,713   183.8 ±3.9 1,334   472.6 ±13.8 4,152   69.6 ±1.2
2015-2017 113   3.6 ±0.4 2,703   184.2 ±3.9 1,346   491.6 ±14.3 4,161   71.7 ±1.2
2014-2016 118   3.7 ±0.4 2,708   186.3 ±4.0 1,339   500.1 ±14.5 4,164   73.3 ±1.2
2013-2015 122   3.8 ±0.4 2,638   183.7 ±4.0 1,334   507.0 ±14.7 4,093   73.7 ±1.2
2012-2014 128   4.0 ±0.4 2,658   188.0 ±4.0 1,333   515.2 ±15.0 4,119   75.8 ±1.3
2011-2013 143   4.4 ±0.4 2,598   187.2 ±4.1 1,352   530.4 ±15.3 4,093   77.3 ±1.3
2010-2012 159   4.9 ±0.4 2,631   193.4 ±4.2 1,372   545.9 ±15.6 4,161   80.5 ±1.4
2009-2011 174   5.3 ±0.5 2,597   195.2 ±4.2 1,387   559.5 ±15.9 4,157   82.3 ±1.4
2008-2010 185   5.6 ±0.5 2,611   201.2 ±4.3 1,402   571.8 ±16.1 4,198   84.8 ±1.4
2007-2009 192   5.7 ±0.5 2,593   205.1 ±4.4 1,423   585.4 ±16.3 4,208   86.9 ±1.4
2006-2008 206   6.0 ±0.5 2,570   209.0 ±4.5 1,456   603.4 ±16.6 4,232   89.4 ±1.5
2005-2007 211   6.0 ±0.5 2,562   214.1 ±4.7 1,465   614.2 ±16.8 4,237   91.3 ±1.5
2004-2006 219   6.2 ±0.5 2,531   217.4 ±4.8 1,444   614.4 ±16.9 4,193   92.0 ±1.5
2003-2005 238   6.6 ±0.5 2,572   227.0 ±4.9 1,457   630.5 ±17.3 4,266   95.1 ±1.5
2002-2004 242   6.7 ±0.5 2,553   231.2 ±5.0 1,422   627.2 ±17.4 4,216   95.6 ±1.6
2001-2003 247   6.8 ±0.5 2,576   239.1 ±5.2 1,373   618.5 ±17.5 4,194   96.7 ±1.6
2000-2002 228   6.3 ±0.5 2,588   246.1 ±5.3 1,287   593.6 ±17.4 4,102   95.8 ±1.6
1999-2001 226   6.2 ±0.5 2,625   255.6 ±5.5 1,254   592.3 ±17.6 4,105   97.2 ±1.6
1998-2000 223   6.1 ±0.5 2,677   266.8 ±5.6 1,226   593.0 ±17.8 4,126   98.9 ±1.6
1997-1999 231   6.3 ±0.5 2,679   272.9 ±5.8 1,210   599.9 ±18.1 4,119   100.1 ±1.7
1996-1998 227   6.2 ±0.5 2,752   286.8 ±6.0 1,188   604.9 ±18.4 4,166   102.4 ±1.7
1995-1997 230   6.3 ±0.5 2,807   297.8 ±6.1 1,193   625.9 ±19.0 4,229   105.4 ±1.7
1994-1996 230   6.4 ±0.5 2,888   311.2 ±6.3 1,163   629.5 ±19.3 4,282   107.8 ±1.8
1993-1995 232   6.5 ±0.5 2,963   322.6 ±6.4 1,146   638.6 ±19.7 4,341   110.7 ±1.8
1992-1994 232   6.5 ±0.5 3,010   332.2 ±6.6 1,110   635.8 ±19.9 4,353   112.2 ±1.8
1991-1993 235   6.6 ±0.5 3,067   343.1 ±6.7 1,108   651.9 ±20.4 4,410   115.3 ±1.9
1990-1992 235   6.7 ±0.5 3,034   343.8 ±6.8 1,074   651.5 ±20.7 4,343   115.2 ±1.9
1989-1991 230   6.6 ±0.5 3,015   344.4 ±6.8 1,058   660.8 ±21.2 4,303   116.0 ±1.9
1988-1990 227   6.5 ±0.5 2,921   334.9 ±6.7 991   637.0 ±21.1 4,139   112.8 ±1.9
1987-1989 226   6.5 ±0.5 2,884   330.8 ±6.7 944   622.7 ±21.2 4,053   111.6 ±1.9
1986-1988 233   6.8 ±0.5 2,841   325.8 ±6.6 875   592.3 ±21.0 3,949   109.4 ±1.9
1985-1987 219   6.4 ±0.5 2,880   330.3 ±6.7 836   578.5 ±21.1 3,935   109.8 ±1.9


Table 23-B
Invasive Lung Cancer Incidence by Age at Diagnosis
Female Michigan Residents, 1985-2020
Year of
< 50 Years 50 - 74 Years 75 Years and Over Total
2018-2020 98   3.2 ±0.4 2,512   157.5 ±3.5 1,317   316.0 ±9.5 3,926   53.4 ±1.0
2017-2019 105   3.4 ±0.4 2,594   163.5 ±3.6 1,363   327.3 ±9.6 4,062   56.0 ±1.0
2016-2018 110   3.6 ±0.4 2,577   163.1 ±3.6 1,317   323.2 ±9.7 4,003   56.5 ±1.0
2015-2017 125   4.0 ±0.4 2,534   161.4 ±3.6 1,315   328.8 ±9.8 3,973   57.4 ±1.0
2014-2016 138   4.4 ±0.4 2,482   159.6 ±3.6 1,313   331.3 ±9.9 3,933   57.9 ±1.0
2013-2015 142   4.5 ±0.4 2,410   156.9 ±3.5 1,332   337.9 ±10.0 3,883   58.2 ±1.0
2012-2014 147   4.7 ±0.4 2,349   155.3 ±3.6 1,308   333.0 ±10.0 3,804   58.1 ±1.1
2011-2013 153   4.8 ±0.4 2,327   156.6 ±3.6 1,318   336.7 ±10.1 3,797   59.1 ±1.1
2010-2012 167   5.2 ±0.5 2,317   159.1 ±3.7 1,347   344.9 ±10.2 3,830   60.7 ±1.1
2009-2011 182   5.6 ±0.5 2,265   159.1 ±3.7 1,345   345.2 ±10.2 3,791   61.0 ±1.1
2008-2010 191   5.8 ±0.5 2,200   158.2 ±3.7 1,327   340.8 ±10.1 3,717   60.8 ±1.1
2007-2009 212   6.4 ±0.5 2,195   161.9 ±3.8 1,317   338.4 ±10.1 3,723   62.0 ±1.1
2006-2008 228   6.7 ±0.5 2,178   164.9 ±3.9 1,329   341.9 ±10.2 3,734   63.1 ±1.1
2005-2007 241   7.0 ±0.5 2,167   168.4 ±4.0 1,325   342.3 ±10.2 3,733   64.0 ±1.2
2004-2006 245   7.0 ±0.5 2,095   167.0 ±4.0 1,282   333.4 ±10.1 3,621   62.8 ±1.2
2003-2005 233   6.6 ±0.5 2,095   171.0 ±4.1 1,255   328.4 ±10.1 3,582   62.8 ±1.2
2002-2004 216   6.1 ±0.5 2,052   171.5 ±4.2 1,206   317.9 ±10.0 3,474   61.5 ±1.2
2001-2003 213   6.0 ±0.5 2,047   175.0 ±4.3 1,145   304.6 ±9.8 3,405   61.1 ±1.2
2000-2002 221   6.2 ±0.5 1,995   174.1 ±4.3 1,063   285.8 ±9.6 3,277   59.5 ±1.1
1999-2001 234   6.5 ±0.5 1,995   177.6 ±4.4 1,008   274.5 ±9.5 3,236   59.4 ±1.2
1998-2000 227   6.3 ±0.5 1,979   179.5 ±4.5 988   272.6 ±9.5 3,193   59.1 ±1.2
1997-1999 216   6.0 ±0.5 1,969   181.7 ±4.5 962   269.4 ±9.5 3,146   58.8 ±1.2
1996-1998 216   6.0 ±0.5 1,935   181.8 ±4.6 926   264.0 ±9.5 3,076   58.0 ±1.2
1995-1997 205   5.7 ±0.5 1,888   179.8 ±4.6 882   257.1 ±9.5 2,975   56.6 ±1.2
1994-1996 200   5.6 ±0.4 1,893   182.2 ±4.6 844   251.9 ±9.5 2,936   56.4 ±1.2
1993-1995 187   5.3 ±0.4 1,916   185.6 ±4.7 803   245.1 ±9.5 2,906   56.4 ±1.2
1992-1994 180   5.1 ±0.4 1,920   187.5 ±4.7 762   238.0 ±9.5 2,861   56.2 ±1.2
1991-1993 175   4.9 ±0.4 1,902   187.4 ±4.7 734   235.2 ±9.5 2,810   55.9 ±1.2
1990-1992 163   4.6 ±0.4 1,826   181.2 ±4.7 686   226.1 ±9.5 2,674   53.9 ±1.2
1989-1991 169   4.8 ±0.4 1,777   177.0 ±4.6 630   213.8 ±9.4 2,576   52.7 ±1.2
1988-1990 171   4.9 ±0.4 1,687   168.2 ±4.5 542   189.0 ±9.0 2,400   49.7 ±1.1
1987-1989 171   4.9 ±0.4 1,611   160.5 ±4.4 474   169.4 ±8.6 2,256   47.2 ±1.1
1986-1988 173   5.0 ±0.4 1,509   150.3 ±4.3 411   150.6 ±8.3 2,092   44.2 ±1.1
1985-1987 166   4.8 ±0.4 1,434   142.9 ±4.2 379   142.2 ±8.1 1,979   42.3 ±1.1



Age-Specific Rates are per 100,000 population in a specific sex and age group. Age-Adjusted Rates are per 100,000 male and female population. Age-adjusted rates are computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. Adding and subtracting the number shown after the ± symbol from the rate creates a confidence interval indicating that the true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of this interval with 95 % statistical confidence.

Average Number is the number of new invasive cancer cases diagnosed in the period, divided by the number of years in the period.

Case: A case is defined as a person with any newly diagnosed cancer with a behavior code of 3 (malignant primary site). Both in-situ and invasive urinary bladder cancer cases are included, in order to be consistent with national tabulations from the National Cancer Institute.

COVID-19 Pandemic: In 2020, the highly publicized impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health services and the consequential delays and reductions in cancer screening and diagnosis led to a decline in the 2020 incidence rates for most cancer sites. Because 2020 was a temporary, anomalous year, it can bias estimates such as cancer incidence trends.

Source : Michigan Resident Cancer Incidence File. Updated with cases processed through November 30, 2022. Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.

Last Updated : April 13, 2023

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