Male and Female Michigan Residents Invasive Cancer Incidence by Age at Diagnosis
Table 20-A
Invasive Cancer Incidence by Age at Diagnosis
Male Michigan Residents, 1985-2020
Year of
< 50 Years 50 - 74 Years 75 Years and Over Total
2018-2020 2,256   71.7 ±1.7 18,748   1,248.7 ±8.8 7,560   2,555.2 ±23.9 28,564   464.4 ±2.9
2017-2019 2,344   74.6 ±1.7 19,138   1,291.7 ±9.0 7,715   2,644.4 ±24.2 29,197   483.2 ±3.0
2016-2018 2,436   77.3 ±1.7 18,946   1,284.2 ±9.0 7,636   2,706.7 ±24.6 29,018   490.6 ±3.1
2015-2017 2,436   77.2 ±1.7 18,648   1,271.4 ±9.0 7,592   2,774.1 ±25.1 28,675   495.3 ±3.1
2014-2016 2,429   76.7 ±1.7 18,298   1,258.8 ±9.0 7,437   2,777.6 ±25.4 28,163   495.4 ±3.1
2013-2015 2,424   76.2 ±1.7 17,681   1,231.6 ±9.0 7,280   2,768.1 ±25.6 27,384   490.9 ±3.1
2012-2014 2,475   77.4 ±1.7 17,524   1,239.5 ±9.1 7,190   2,779.0 ±25.8 27,188   496.0 ±3.2
2011-2013 2,560   79.6 ±1.7 17,954   1,293.4 ±9.3 7,373   2,893.8 ±26.1 27,886   519.1 ±3.3
2010-2012 2,663   82.2 ±1.8 18,424   1,354.4 ±9.5 7,602   3,025.4 ±26.4 28,689   545.2 ±3.4
2009-2011 2,729   83.4 ±1.8 18,459   1,387.8 ±9.7 7,777   3,137.6 ±26.6 28,964   562.8 ±3.4
2008-2010 2,768   83.4 ±1.8 17,948   1,382.9 ±9.8 7,835   3,195.6 ±26.8 28,551   567.0 ±3.5
2007-2009 2,811   83.3 ±1.7 17,758   1,404.8 ±10.0 8,069   3,319.5 ±26.9 28,636   580.6 ±3.5
2006-2008 2,870   83.5 ±1.7 17,469   1,420.7 ±10.2 8,232   3,411.2 ±27.0 28,570   591.9 ±3.6
2005-2007 2,937   84.1 ±1.7 17,079   1,427.9 ±10.3 8,300   3,480.2 ±27.1 28,315   598.7 ±3.6
2004-2006 2,942   83.2 ±1.7 16,505   1,418.1 ±10.4 8,104   3,449.2 ±27.3 27,550   593.7 ±3.6
2003-2005 2,974   83.3 ±1.7 16,365   1,444.2 ±10.6 8,212   3,554.8 ±27.5 27,550   605.4 ±3.7
2002-2004 3,008   83.6 ±1.7 16,536   1,497.6 ±10.9 8,141   3,591.1 ±27.8 27,684   618.8 ±3.7
2001-2003 3,052   84.4 ±1.7 16,562   1,537.9 ±11.1 8,087   3,644.3 ±28.0 27,701   630.3 ±3.8
2000-2002 3,040   83.7 ±1.7 16,513   1,570.5 ±11.3 7,862   3,626.9 ±28.4 27,415   633.3 ±3.8
1999-2001 2,950   81.1 ±1.7 16,271   1,584.5 ±11.5 7,796   3,681.8 ±28.7 27,016   635.0 ±3.9
1998-2000 2,848   78.2 ±1.6 15,920   1,586.8 ±11.6 7,647   3,699.3 ±29.0 26,415   631.1 ±3.9
1997-1999 2,784   76.5 ±1.6 15,544   1,583.5 ±11.8 7,412   3,675.5 ±29.4 25,740   624.3 ±3.9
1996-1998 2,746   75.5 ±1.6 15,221   1,586.3 ±11.9 7,097   3,615.3 ±29.8 25,064   616.1 ±3.9
1995-1997 2,677   73.7 ±1.6 15,046   1,596.7 ±12.0 6,853   3,596.2 ±30.3 24,575   612.1 ±3.9
1994-1996 2,649   73.4 ±1.6 15,076   1,624.5 ±12.2 6,751   3,653.7 ±30.7 24,478   618.2 ±4.0
1993-1995 2,587   72.1 ±1.6 15,440   1,681.3 ±12.4 6,971   3,885.0 ±31.0 25,003   641.5 ±4.0
1992-1994 2,550   71.5 ±1.6 15,974   1,762.7 ±12.6 7,402   4,239.7 ±30.9 25,933   677.6 ±4.2
1991-1993 2,505   70.6 ±1.6 15,972   1,787.1 ±12.7 7,727   4,548.5 ±30.7 26,211   700.3 ±4.3
1990-1992 2,462   69.9 ±1.6 15,157   1,717.6 ±12.7 7,532   4,568.6 ±31.1 25,153   687.2 ±4.3
1989-1991 2,415   69.2 ±1.6 14,033   1,603.1 ±12.5 7,009   4,378.3 ±32.0 23,460   653.7 ±4.2
1988-1990 2,254   65.0 ±1.5 13,011   1,491.8 ±12.3 6,271   4,032.0 ±33.1 21,541   607.4 ±4.1
1987-1989 2,161   62.6 ±1.5 12,467   1,430.2 ±12.1 5,778   3,814.1 ±33.8 20,413   581.3 ±4.1
1986-1988 2,059   59.9 ±1.5 11,956   1,371.2 ±11.9 5,289   3,581.5 ±34.4 19,309   554.8 ±4.0
1985-1987 2,015   58.9 ±1.5 11,751   1,347.8 ±11.9 5,052   3,496.7 ±34.8 18,821   546.3 ±4.1


Table 20-B
Invasive Cancer Incidence by Age at Diagnosis
Female Michigan Residents, 1985-2020
Year of
< 50 Years 50 - 74 Years 75 Years and Over Total
2018-2020 3,741   122.3 ±2.2 16,003   1,003.2 ±7.9 7,187   1,725.2 ±18.5 26,931   403.6 ±2.8
2017-2019 3,848   125.6 ±2.2 16,369   1,031.8 ±8.0 7,479   1,796.6 ±18.7 27,696   418.1 ±2.8
2016-2018 3,934   127.9 ±2.2 16,348   1,035.1 ±8.0 7,420   1,821.6 ±19.0 27,701   423.8 ±2.9
2015-2017 3,909   126.7 ±2.2 16,188   1,031.2 ±8.1 7,386   1,846.5 ±19.2 27,482   424.9 ±2.9
2014-2016 3,973   128.2 ±2.2 15,997   1,028.4 ±8.1 7,303   1,842.8 ±19.3 27,272   426.4 ±2.9
2013-2015 3,951   126.7 ±2.2 15,668   1,020.0 ±8.1 7,317   1,856.9 ±19.4 26,935   425.4 ±2.9
2012-2014 4,058   129.3 ±2.2 15,330   1,013.6 ±8.2 7,321   1,864.3 ±19.4 26,708   427.4 ±2.9
2011-2013 4,132   130.7 ±2.2 15,091   1,016.1 ±8.2 7,428   1,897.8 ±19.6 26,651   431.8 ±2.9
2010-2012 4,209   132.0 ±2.2 14,725   1,011.6 ±8.3 7,474   1,913.8 ±19.6 26,408   433.2 ±2.9
2009-2011 4,251   131.9 ±2.2 14,402   1,011.4 ±8.4 7,504   1,926.0 ±19.7 26,156   433.8 ±3.0
2008-2010 4,334   132.6 ±2.2 13,906   1,000.1 ±8.5 7,559   1,942.3 ±19.7 25,799   432.6 ±3.0
2007-2009 4,442   133.7 ±2.2 13,743   1,013.6 ±8.6 7,705   1,980.5 ±19.8 25,890   438.5 ±3.0
2006-2008 4,532   134.1 ±2.2 13,441   1,017.8 ±8.7 7,801   2,007.0 ±19.9 25,773   441.3 ±3.0
2005-2007 4,638   135.2 ±2.2 13,264   1,031.0 ±8.9 7,865   2,032.3 ±20.0 25,767   445.8 ±3.0
2004-2006 4,647   133.8 ±2.1 12,876   1,026.4 ±9.0 7,772   2,020.9 ±20.0 25,295   442.3 ±3.0
2003-2005 4,657   132.8 ±2.1 12,658   1,033.8 ±9.1 7,827   2,048.4 ±20.2 25,142   443.8 ±3.0
2002-2004 4,597   130.1 ±2.1 12,590   1,052.6 ±9.3 7,789   2,053.5 ±20.3 24,975   445.5 ±3.0
2001-2003 4,552   128.1 ±2.1 12,551   1,073.1 ±9.5 7,748   2,061.5 ±20.4 24,851   448.3 ±3.0
2000-2002 4,503   126.1 ±2.1 12,482   1,089.6 ±9.6 7,515   2,022.1 ±20.4 24,500   447.1 ±3.1
1999-2001 4,452   124.4 ±2.0 12,372   1,101.7 ±9.8 7,376   2,009.0 ±20.5 24,200   446.4 ±3.1
1998-2000 4,428   123.5 ±2.0 12,272   1,113.3 ±9.9 7,293   2,012.2 ±20.6 23,992   447.0 ±3.1
1997-1999 4,369   121.7 ±2.0 12,155   1,121.8 ±10.0 7,207   2,019.6 ±20.8 23,730   446.5 ±3.1
1996-1998 4,302   119.7 ±2.0 11,886   1,116.5 ±10.1 7,032   2,006.3 ±21.0 23,219   441.4 ±3.1
1995-1997 4,160   115.8 ±2.0 11,720   1,115.8 ±10.1 6,808   1,985.5 ±21.1 22,687   436.0 ±3.1
1994-1996 4,001   111.8 ±1.9 11,553   1,111.9 ±10.2 6,655   1,986.2 ±21.4 22,209   431.8 ±3.1
1993-1995 3,866   108.6 ±1.9 11,575   1,121.4 ±10.2 6,534   1,995.4 ±21.7 21,977   432.2 ±3.1
1992-1994 3,839   108.2 ±1.9 11,610   1,134.3 ±10.3 6,491   2,028.8 ±22.0 21,943   436.4 ±3.2
1991-1993 3,842   108.6 ±1.9 11,741   1,156.7 ±10.4 6,529   2,093.1 ±22.4 22,115   445.7 ±3.2
1990-1992 3,833   109.0 ±1.9 11,821   1,172.9 ±10.5 6,421   2,118.3 ±22.8 22,081   451.4 ±3.3
1989-1991 3,746   107.1 ±1.9 11,703   1,165.9 ±10.5 6,247   2,119.9 ±23.1 21,702   450.4 ±3.3
1988-1990 3,596   103.5 ±1.9 11,386   1,135.6 ±10.4 5,744   2,002.8 ±23.2 20,734   435.8 ±3.3
1987-1989 3,443   99.5 ±1.9 11,080   1,104.4 ±10.3 5,336   1,908.2 ±23.2 19,870   422.8 ±3.2
1986-1988 3,314   96.2 ±1.8 10,809   1,076.5 ±10.2 4,904   1,798.0 ±23.1 19,036   410.1 ±3.2
1985-1987 3,229   94.2 ±1.8 10,662   1,062.1 ±10.2 4,724   1,772.6 ±23.3 18,625   406.4 ±3.2



Age-Specific Rates are per 100,000 population in a specific sex and age group. Age-Adjusted Rates are per 100,000 male and female population. Age-adjusted rates are computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. Adding and subtracting the number shown after the ± symbol from the rate creates a confidence interval indicating that the true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of this interval with 95 % statistical confidence.

Average Number is the number of new invasive cancer cases diagnosed in the period, divided by the number of years in the period.

Case: A case is defined as a person with any newly diagnosed cancer with a behavior code of 3 (malignant primary site). Both in-situ and invasive urinary bladder cancer cases are included, in order to be consistent with national tabulations from the National Cancer Institute.

COVID-19 Pandemic: In 2020, the highly publicized impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health services and the consequential delays and reductions in cancer screening and diagnosis led to a decline in the 2020 incidence rates for most cancer sites. Because 2020 was a temporary, anomalous year, it can bias estimates such as cancer incidence trends.

Source : Michigan Resident Cancer Incidence File. Updated with cases processed through November 30, 2022. Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.

Last Updated : April 13, 2023

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