Table 15-A
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Accidental Suffocation & Strangulation in Bed (ASSB) and
Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID),
Michigan Residents 1989-2023

Chart of SUID infant death rates.
Year Number Rate Per 10,000 Live Births
SIDS ASSB Unknown &
1989 254 10 1 265 17.1   0.7  17.9
1990 256 11 2 269 16.7   0.7  17.6
1991 240 13 3 256 16.1   0.9  17.1
1992 243 7 4 254 16.9   0.5  17.7
1993 210 10 10 230 15.0   0.7  16.5
1994 167 10 8 185 12.1   0.7  13.4
1995 148 15 5 168 11.0   1.1  12.5
1996 149 8 5 162 11.2   0.6  12.2
1997 138 9 13 160 10.3   0.7  12.0
1998 148 11 13 172 11.1   0.8  12.9
1999 114 12 9 135   8.5   0.9  10.1
2000 99 28 6 133   7.3   2.1     9.8
2001 96 39 1 136   7.2   2.9  10.2
2002 85 32 10 127   6.6   2.5     9.8
2003 49 33 14 96   3.7   2.5     7.3
2004 51 49 10 110   3.9   3.8     8.5
2005 47 52 10 109   3.7   4.1     8.5
2006 51 52 9 112   4.0   4.1     8.8
2007 46 56 8 110   3.7   4.5     8.8
2008 48 52 2 102   4.0   4.3     8.4
2009 45 63 4 112   3.8   5.4     9.5
2010 44 52 7 103   3.8   4.5     9.0
2011 33 69 13 115 2.9 6.0 10.1
2012 15 75 16 106 1.3 6.7 9.4
2013 31 72 14 117 2.7 6.3 10.3
2014 35 76 14 125 3.1 6.6 10.9
2015 33 73 24 125 2.9 6.5 11.0
2016 45 60 13 118 4.0 5.3 10.4
2017 32 54 13 99 2.9 4.8 8.9
2018 34 70 32 136 3.1 6.4 12.4
2019 46 65 14 125 4.3 6.0 11.6
2020 43 69 25 137 4.1 6.6 13.2
2021 34 64 33 131 3.2 6.1 12.5
2022 32 40 40 112 3.2 4.0 11.1
2023 47 55 25 127 4.7 5.5 12.8

Table 15-B
Accidental Suffocation & Strangulation in Bed and Total Accidents,
Michigan Residents, 1989-2023

Year ASSB Other
Accidents &
adverse effects
ASSB Percent
of Accidents
1989 10 37 47 21.3%
1990 11 27 38 28.9%
1991 13 25 38 34.2%
1992 7 22 29 24.1%
1993 10 35 45 22.2%
1994 10 27 37 27.0%
1995 15 25 40 37.5%
1996 8 28 36 22.2%
1997 9 24 33 27.3%
1998 11 24 35 31.4%
1999 12 24 36 33.3%
2000 28 27 55 50.9%
2001 39 18 57 68.4%
2002 32 40 72 44.4%
2003 33 31 64 51.6%
2004 49 21 70 70.0%
2005 52 16 68 76.5%
2006 52 19 71 73.2%
2007 56 21 77 72.7%
2008 52 10 62 83.9%
2009 63 11 74 85.1%
2010 52 13 65 80.0%
2011 69 14 83 83.1%
2012 75 17 92 81.5%
2013 72 18 90 80.0%
2014 76 14 90 84.4%
2015 73 24 97 75.3%
2016 60 22 82 73.2%
2017 54 28 82 65.9%
2018 70 13 83 84.4%
2019 65 16 81 80.2%
2020 69 7 76 90.8%
2021 64 12 76 84.2%
2022 40 18 68 58.8%
2023 55 7 62 88.7%

Notes: Causes of death are coded using the 9th and 10th revisions to the International Classification of Diseases.  The ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes are grouped into broader categories for the causes listed in this table in order to classify these selected causes of death. Before 1999, causes of death were classified according to the following ICD-9 codes: SIDS: 798.0, ASSB: E913.0, Unknown: 799.9. On or after 1999, deaths were classified according to the following ICD-10 codes: SIDS: R95, ASSB: W75 and Unknown: R99.

After 1996, SUID death-scene guidelines and subsequent reporting instructions have shifted how SIDS and ASSB deaths were coded. As a result, some deaths that may have been attributed to SIDS before 1999 were classified as ASSB after 1999.

For further information on sudden unexplained infant deaths, see the Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Case Registry. (

Source:1989 - 2023 Michigan Resident Death Files and Michigan Resident Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

Last Updated: 1/26/2025