Figure 5
Sudden Infant Death Rates,
Accidental Suffocation & Strangulation in Bed &
Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Rates
Michigan Residents, 1989-2022

Infant Mortality Rates by SIDS, Suffocation and Combined Deaths, 1980-2022

Note: For purposes of comparing small values, these rates are calculated at deaths per 10,000 live births; in most Michigan Community Health infant death reports, infant deaths are per 1,000.

Causes of death are coded using the 9th and 10th revisions to the International Classification of Diseases.  The ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes are grouped into broader categories for the causes listed in this table in order to classify these selected causes of death. See Selected Causes of Groups for Infant Mortality for details of grouping and comparability.

An asterisk (*) indicates the rate does not meet standards of reliability or precision. A dash (-) indicates quantity zero.

Source: 1989-2022 Michigan Resident Infant Death File, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.