Table 11
Number of Infant Deaths, Live Births and Infant Death Rates
by Selected Characteristics of Newborn and of Mother
for Michigan Residents, 2023
Characteristics of Newborn | Infant Deaths |
Live Births |
Infant Death Rate |
Sex of Infant | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
Male | 332 | 51,048 | 6.5 ±0.7 | |
Female | 274 | 48,128 | 5.7 ±0.7 | |
Birthweight | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
1,499 Grams or Less | 287 | 1,372 | 209.2 ±21.8 | |
1,500 - 2,499 Grams | 101 | 7,488 | 13.5 ±2.6 | |
2,500 Grams or More | 211 | 90,269 | 2.3 ±0.3 | |
Plurality | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
Single Birth | 528 | 95,575 | 5.5 ±0.5 | |
Multiple Birth | 72 | 3,585 | 20.1 ±4.6 | |
Characteristics of Mother | Infant Deaths |
Live Births |
Infant Death Rate |
Age of Mother | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
< 20 | 46 | 3,460 | 13.3 ±3.8 | |
20 - 29 | 270 | 45,564 | 5.9 ±0.7 | |
30 - 39 | 262 | 47,052 | 5.6 ±0.7 | |
40 + | 18 | 3,063 | 5.9 ±2.7 | |
Marital Status | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
Married | 257 | 60,870 | 4.2 ±0.5 | |
Unmarried | 336 | 38,270 | 8.8 ±0.9 | |
Level of Prenatal Care | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
Adequate | 315 | 69,035 | 4.6 ±0.5 | |
Intermediate | 162 | 22,537 | 7.2 ±1.1 | |
Inadequate | 123 | 7,607 | 16.2 ±2.8 | |
Exposure to Tobacco | Infant Deaths |
Live Births |
Infant Death Rate |
Smoked During Pregnancy | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
No | 526 | 91,304 | 5.8 ±0.5 | |
Yes | 81 | 7,875 | 10.3 ±2.2 | |
Secondhand Smoke During Pregnancy | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
No | 479 | 89,332 | 5.4 ±0.5 | |
Yes | 65 | 6,232 | 10.4 ±2.5 | |
Smoked or Secondhand Smoke During Pregnancy | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
No | 442 | 84,982 | 5.2 ±0.5 | |
Yes | 105 | 10,812 | 9.7 ±1.8 | |
History of smoking | 607 | 99,179 | 6.1 ±0.5 | |
No | 463 | 86,759 | 5.3 ±0.5 | |
Yes | 112 | 11,888 | 9.4 ±1.7 | |
Note: | Rates are per 1,000 live births. Adding and subtracting the number shown after the ± symbol from the rate creates a confidence interval indicating that the true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of this interval with 95% statistical confidence. Records with selected characteristics unknown are included in total only. Level of prenatal care is according to the Kessner Index which is a classification of prenatal care based on the month of pregnancy in which prenatal care began, the number of prenatal visits and the length of pregnancy (i.e. for shorter pregnancies, fewer prenatal visits constitute adequate care.) |
Source: | 2023 Michigan Resident Birth-Death Matched File, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services |