Live Births to Women Reporting Prior Pregnancy Terminations
by Time Span Between Last and Current Termination and
Whether Prior Termination Resulted in a
Live Birth or a Fetal Death
Michigan Residents, 2023

Time Span
in Years
Total Prior Live Birth Other Prior
Number % Number % Number %
Total 62,540 100.0 46,688 100.0 15,852 100.0
< 1 8,358 13.4 1,437 3.1 6,921 43.7
1 - 2 17,993 28.8 12,485 26.7 5,508 34.7
2 - 3 13,900 22.2 12,572 26.9 1,328 8.4
3 - 5 11,800 18.9 10,757 23.0 1,043 6.6
5+ 10,489 16.8 9,437 20.2 1,052 6.6
Median Time Span: 2 yrs., 5 mos 3 yrs., 8 mos 1 yrs., 3 mos


Live Births to Women Reporting Prior Pregnancy Terminations
by Time Span Between Last and Current Termination,
Michigan Residents, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 and 2023

Time Span
in Years
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2023
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Total 108,516 100.0 86,418 100.0 67,462 100 86,507 100.0 70,197 100.0 68,052 100.0 62,540 100.0
< 1 3,960 3.6 3,148 3.6 2,883 4.3 3,461 4.0 3,611 5.1 6,097 9.0 8,358 13.4
1 - 2 34,715 32.0 27,756 32.1 21,796 32.3 24,959 28.9 21,040 30.0 19,546 28.7 17,993 28.8
2 - 3 26,589 24.5 21,079 24.4 16,013 23.7 20,616 23.8 16,670 23.7 15,822 23.2 13,900 22.2
3 - 5 25,784 23.8 19,498 22.6 14,718 21.8 19,858 23.0 15,430 22.0 14,099 20.7 11,800 18.9
5 + 17,468 16.1 14,937 17.3 12,052 17.9 17,613 20.4 13,446 19.2 12,488 18.4 10,489 16.8
Median Time Span: 2 yrs., 6 mos 2 yrs., 7 mos 2 yrs., 6 mos 2 yrs., 8 mos 2 yrs., 6 mos 2 yrs., 5 mos 2 yrs., 5 mos

Note: Terminations with time spans of zero years (i.e., second or later births in plural deliveries) and terminations with unknown time spans are excluded. Other prior terminations include miscarriages, fetal deaths or induced abortions.
Source: 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 and 2023 Michigan Resident Birth File, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.