Number of Live Births by Abnormal Conditions of the Newborn
By Race and Ancestry of Mother,
Michigan Residents, 2023

Abnormal Conditions Race Ancestry
All Races White Black American
Asian &
All Other Races Hispanic Arab
Assisted ventilation required immediately following delivery 6,139 4,609 1,037 95 229 108 413 149
Assisted ventilation required for more than 6 hours 1,180 831 244 26 51 19 82 44
NICU Admission 9,542 6,198 2,552 110 419 170 610 292
Surfactant replacement therapy given to newborn 248 161 64 3 13 6 21 20
Antibiotics received by newborn for suspected neonatal sepis 1,621 992 454 25 87 55 142 96
Seizures or serious neurologic dysfunction1 71 60 9 - 1 - 2 1
Significant birth injury2 86 70 10 3 2 1 1 -
None of the above 85,851 63,407 14,782 849 3,884 2,069 6,637 4,225
Total Live Births 99,179 72,504 17,895 1,012 4,440 2,306 7,528 4,599



1Beginning with the 2008 birth certificate, the definition of seizure changed. A seizure is any involuntary repetitive, convulsive movement or behavior, excluding symptoms associated with CNS congenital anomalies. Because of this change, seizure statistics produced after 2007 are not directly comparable to similar statistics produced before 2007.

2Beginning with the 2008 birth certificate, the definition of “birth injury” was limited to include only significant injuries such as skeletal fracture, peripheral nerve injury or soft tissue/solid organ hemorrhage which required intervention. Birth injury statistics produced after 2007 are not directly comparable to similar statistics produced before 2007.

Records with race not stated are included only in the 'All Races' column.


2023 Michigan Resident Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.