Number of Live Births by Maternal Morbidity and Onset of Labor
By Race and Ancestry of Mother,
Michigan Residents, 2023

Maternal Morbidity and
Onset of Labor
Race Ancestry
All Races White Black American
Asian &
All Other Races Hispanic Arab
Maternal Morbidity
Maternal transfusion 497 360 96 11 17 9 38 21
Third/fourth degree perineal laceration 961 735 70 11 123 16 56 41
Ruptured uterus 30 18 9 1 1 - 1 2
Unplanned hysterectomy 40 34 4 - - 1 5 1
Admission to Intensive Care Unit 191 109 62 2 14 - 12 5
Unplanned operating room procedure following delivery 281 200 53 5 16 5 18 13
None of the above 96,093 70,355 17,314 978 4,237 2,240 7,313 4,435
Onset of Labor
Premature rupture of the membranes 4,442 3,021 894 69 328 112 310 231
Precipitous labor (<3 hours) 14,280 10,305 2,733 93 735 305 1,013 643
Prolong labor (>= 20 hours) 2,067 1,515 343 37 112 48 162 64
None of the above 78,422 57,739 13,881 820 3,285 1,853 6,059 3,686
Total Live Births 99,179 72,504 17,895 1,012 4,440 2,306 7,528 4,599


Notes: Records with race not stated are included only in the 'All Races' column. Sum of births with any one maternal morbidity does not equal the sum of all morbidity because any one mother may have multiple morbidity.

2023 Michigan Resident Birth Files, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.