Table G
Number, Ratio and Rate of
Reported Induced Abortions
Michigan Residents, 1982 - 2023

Year Induced
Ratio Rate
1982 41,866 303.5 19.3
1983 38,949 292.8 18.0
1984 40,747 300.1 18.8
1985 41,400 299.9 18.9
1986 40,441 293.8 18.3
1987 47,814 340.4 21.4
1988 45,438 325.4 20.4
1989 35,138 237.2 15.9
1990 34,655 226.4 15.6
1991 33,119 221.6 14.8
1992 33,160 230.6 14.9
1993 34,329 246.0 15.5
1994 31,798 230.7 14.4
1995 29,751 221.7 13.4
1996 28,913 217.0 13.0
1997 28,386 212.6 12.8
1998 27,085 202.7 12.3
1999 25,388 190.3 11.6
2000 26,027 191.3 12.1
2001 27,208 204.2 12.6
2002 28,229 218.0 13.2
2003 28,584 218.4 13.9
2004 25,512 199.1 12.4
2005 24,496 192.1 11.7
2006 24,905 195.3 12.1
2007 24,006 191.8 11.8
2008 25,164 207.6 12.6
2009 21,804 185.9 11.1
2010 22,754 198.3 11.9
2011 22,826 199.9 12.0
2012 22,699 201.4 12.0
2013 25,412 223.4 13.4
2014 26,321 230.0 13.9
2015 25,995 229.6 13.8
2016 25,348 223.9 13.5
2017 25,757 227.2 13.7
2018 25,554 229.2 13.6
2019 25,902 235.3 13.8
2020 28,048 259.9 14.9
2021 28,409 272.8 15.1
2022 27,359 260.5 14.4
2023 28,491 271.3 15.0

Note:  The ratio is the number of reported induced abortions to Michigan residents per 1,000 Michigan live births. Ratio for 2023 is based upon 2022 resident live births. The rate is the number of reported induced abortions to Michigan residents per 1,000 Michigan women aged 15-44.
Source:  1982 - 2023 Michigan Resident Abortion Files and 1982 - 2022 Michigan Resident Live Birth Files. Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.
2020-2022 Michigan population is developed from Vintage Census 2020-2022 estimates, provided by the Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau. This vintage population includes multi-racial counts that were adjusted to estimate Michigan bridged population. Michigan bridged population assigns multi-racial estimates to a single race category (the category the population is most likely to identify with).