Table 6
Number and Percent of Reported Induced Abortions
by Age of Woman and Marital Status
Michigan Residents, 2023
Age of
Marital Status
Total Not Married Married
Number Percent Number Percent
All Ages 28,491 24,717 86.8 2,911 10.2
Under 20 2,294 2,221 96.8 12 0.5
20 - 24 7,444 7,027 94.4 196 2.6
25 - 29 8,127 7,172 88.2 716 8.8
30 - 34 6,603 5,434 82.3 995 15.1
35 - 39 2,980 2,194 73.6 686 23.0
40 or Older 902 571 63.3 298 33.0

Note:  Reports with unknown age of woman are included in the 'All Ages' row only. Reports with unknown marital status are included in the 'Total' column only.
Source:  2023 File of Michigan Resident Induced Abortions Occurring in Michigan, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.