Table 5
Abortion Rates by Age and Race or Hispanic Ancestry of Woman
Michigan Residents, 2023
Age of Woman All Races White Black American Indian Asian & Pacific
Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate
Total 28,491 15.0 9,979 6.8 15,185 47.3 173 8.2 518 5.7 1,477 11.0
<20 2,294 7.4 858 3.6 1,109 20.7 9 2.4 22 1.6 178 6.5
20-24 7,444 21.7 2,754 10.5 3,769 63.9 37 8.7 87 5.1 485 17.6
25-29 8,127 25.8 2,714 11.5 4,519 75.2 50 13.2 125 8.6 408 18.6
30-34 6,603 20.1 2,004 8.0 3,939 68.1 38 11.2 131 8.3 254 12.7
35-39 2,980 9.9 1,181 5.0 1,448 32.1 22 7.4 116 7.8 101 5.4
40+ 902 3.0 420 1.8 342 7.5 17 5.6 35 2.4 43 2.4

Note:  Records with race not stated is recorded only in the "All Races" column. Records with age of woman not stated are included only in the "Total" row.

"*" Rate does not meet standards of precision or reliability. The age-specific abortion rate is the number of reported induced abortions to Michigan residents per 1,000 Michigan women of that age group. Total is for Michigan women aged 15-44.
Source:  2023 File of Michigan Resident Induced Abortions Occurring in Michigan, Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services