Number and Age-adjusted Rates of Traumatic Brain Injuries By Sex,
Michigan Residents, 2000-2023

Year of
Total Male Female
Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate
2000 1,495 15.2  ±0.8 1,074 23.6  ±1.4 421 7.9  ±0.8
2001 1,465 14.8  ±0.8 1,078 23.6  ±1.4 387 7.2  ±0.7
2002 1,445 14.5  ±0.7 1,068 23.3  ±1.4 377 6.9  ±0.7
2003 1,449 14.4  ±0.7 1,034 22.2  ±1.4 414 7.5  ±0.7
2004 1,447 14.3  ±0.7 1,051 22.5  ±1.4 396 7.2  ±0.7
2005 1,482 14.6  ±0.7 1,096 23.4  ±1.4 386 6.9  ±0.7
2006 1,476 14.4  ±0.7 1,105 23.3  ±1.4 371 6.6  ±0.7
2007 1,444 14.1  ±0.7 1,065 22.4  ±1.4 379 6.6  ±0.7
2008 1,484 14.4  ±0.7 1,125 23.7  ±1.4 359 6.2  ±0.7
2009 1,390 13.4  ±0.7 1,005 21.1  ±1.3 385 6.7  ±0.7
2010 1,466 13.7  ±0.7 1,067 21.2  ±1.3 399 6.7  ±0.7
2011 1,451 13.4  ±0.7 1,086 21.3  ±1.3 365 6.0  ±0.6
2012 1,470 13.6  ±0.7 1,110 21.8  ±1.3 360 5.9  ±0.6
2013 1,551 14.2  ±0.7 1,138 22.3  ±1.3 413 6.8  ±0.7
2014 1,591 14.4  ±0.7 1,159 22.5  ±1.3 432 7.0  ±0.7
2015 1,545 14.1  ±0.7 1,146 22.4  ±1.3 399 6.5  ±0.7
2016 1,727 15.5  ±0.8 1,264 24.3  ±1.4 462 7.3  ±0.7
2017 1,771 15.7  ±0.8 1,295 24.7  ±1.4 476 7.7  ±0.7
2018 1,778 15.8  ±0.8 1,308 25.2  ±1.4 470 7.4  ±0.7
2019 1,744 15.5  ±0.8 1,248 23.9  ±1.4 496 7.8  ±0.7
2020 1,865 16.8  ±0.8 1,359 26.3 ±1.4 506 8.1 ±0.7
2021 2,003 18.0 ±0.8 1,478 28.5 ±1.5 525 8.4 ±0.7
2022 1,923 17.2 ±0.8 1,397 27.0 ±1.5 526 8.6 ±0.8
2023 1,854 16.4 ±0.8 1,350 25.5 ±1.4 504 8.0 ±0.7

Note: Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) are deaths due to an external cause (accidents, homicide, suicide or other external injuries) with TBI mentioned as a related cause of death (ICD-10: S01, S02.0, S02.1, S02.3, S02.7-S02.9, S04.0, S06, S07.0.S07.1, S07.8, S07.9, S09.7-S09.9, T90).

Rates are per 100,000. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. The true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of the interval with 95% statistical confidence.

Source: 2000-2023 Michigan Death Files, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.