Number of Opioid Drug Overdoses by Sex,
White Michigan Residents 2000-2023

Year All Opioids1 Prescription Opioids2 Heroin3 Synthetic Opioids other
than Methadone4
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
2000 132 100 32 47 31 16 55 49 6 15 8 7
2001 138 100 38 54 34 20 54 43 11 12 8 4
2002 175 119 56 101 71 30 40 34 6 33 13 20
2003 202 121 81 110 61 49 45 37 8 34 15 19
2004 275 190 85 159 102 57 66 55 11 44 28 16
2005 387 258 129 218 147 71 104 76 28 77 44 33
2006 482 315 167 259 165 94 106 81 25 147 89 58
2007 422 288 134 280 188 92 81 68 13 64 34 30
2008 526 338 188 289 171 118 169 131 38 61 33 28
2009 593 400 193 312 205 107 183 143 40 81 39 42
2010 595 387 208 333 209 124 177 134 43 79 39 40
2011 579 382 197 292 178 114 206 157 49 74 36 38
2012 574 361 213 312 175 137 217 164 53 65 33 32
2013 756 475 281 361 199 162 338 255 83 73 31 42
2014 848 557 291 360 202 158 411 307 104 137 79 58
2015 1,081 707 374 446 252 194 513 375 138 362 254 108
2016 1,454 985 469 587 357 230 580 424 156 738 528 210
2017 1,617 1,049 568 561 304 257 598 421 177 1,066 739 327
2018 1,522 998 524 460 270 190 466 313 153 1,137 765 372
2019 1,278 863 415 369 219 150 305 208 97 1,018 715 303
2020 1,526 1,068 458 400 271 129 315 225 90 1,311 936 375
2021 1,723 1,185 538 410 242 168 127 92 35 1,518 1,082 436
2022 1,571 1,091 480 278 167 111 91 63 28 1,416 1,006 410
2023 1,362 931 431 228 130 98 55 40 15 1,229 862 367

Opioid deaths: Summing of categories will result in more than the number of all opioid drug overdoses. Categories of deaths are not exclusive as deaths might involve more than one drug.

1Opioid drug overdoses are those with an underlying cause of death defined by the ICD-10 codes: X40-X44, X60-X64, X85, and Y10-Y14; these overdoses must have a related cause of death of T40.0-T40.4 or T40.6.

2Prescription overdoses available by prescription only, with any of the following ICD-10 codes listed as a related cause of death: T40.2-T40.3. This list includes both prescription opioid pain relievers (e.g., hydrocodone, oxycodone, and morphine) and opioids used to treat addiction (e.g., methadone).

3Heroin overdoses are drug overdoses with related cause death codes T40.1.

4Fentanyl & Other Synthetic Opioid are drug overdoses with related cause of death code T40.4.

Source: 2000-2023 Michigan Death Files, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.