Accidents and Accidental Drug Overdoses by Sex,
Michigan Residents 2000-2023

Numbers and Drug Overdoses as Percent of Accidents

Year Accidents Accidental Opioid
Drug Overdoses
Percentage of Accidents
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
2000 3,243 2,080 1,163 123 98 25 3.8 4.7 2.1
2001 3,248 2,058 1,190 128 93 35 3.9 4.5 2.9
2002 3,242 2,054 1,188 136 102 34 4.2 5.0 2.9
2003 3,278 2,045 1,232 166 111 55 5.1 5.4 4.5
2004 3,299 2,051 1,248 232 154 78 7.0 7.5 6.3
2005 3,426 2,168 1,258 369 255 114 10.8 11.8 9.1
2006 3,557 2,300 1,257 485 335 150 13.6 14.6 11.9
2007 3,714 2,335 1,379 419 295 124 11.3 12.6 9.0
2008 3,679 2,298 1,381 522 356 166 14.2 15.5 12.0
2009 3,671 2,317 1,354 597 422 175 16.3 18.2 12.9
2010 3,758 2,306 1,452 577 390 187 15.4 16.9 12.9
2011 3,890 2,414 1,476 583 382 201 15.0 15.8 13.6
2012 3,804 2,322 1,482 586 379 207 15.4 16.3 14.0
2013 4,194 2,582 1,612 791 522 269 18.9 20.2 16.7
2014 4,373 2,680 1,693 920 624 296 21.0 23.3 17.5
2015 4,576 2,858 1,718 1,196 801 395 26.1 28.0 23.0
2016 5,351 3,393 1,958 1,603 1,103 500 30.0 32.5 25.5
2017 5,727 3,604 2,123 1,866 1,251 615 32.6 34.7 29.0
2018 5,564 3,445 2,119 1,876 1,246 630 33.7 36.2 29.7
2019 5,346 3,378 1,968 1,621 1,128 493 30.3 33.4 25.1
2020 6,052 3,879 2,173 2,003 1,412 591 33.1 36.4 27.2
2021 6,568 4,251 2,317 2,200 1,528 672 33.5 35.9 29.0
2022 6,431 4,220 2,211 2,112 1,511 601 32.8 35.8 27.2
2023 6,205 4,000 2,204 1,937 1,360 577 31.2 34.0 26.2

Note: Accidents are deaths with an underlying cause of death of ICD-10 codes: V01-X59 or Y85-Y86. Accidental drug overdoses are accidental poisoning deaths (underlying cause of death X40-X44) with a related cause of death that mentions heroin, prescription opioids or other synthetic opioids (ICD-10 T40.0-T40.4, T40.6)

Source: 2000-2023 Michigan Death Files, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.