Number of Opioid Drug Overdoses by Sex,
Michigan Residents 2000-2023

Year All Opioids1 Prescription Opioids2 Heroin3 Synthetic Opioids other
than Methadone4
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
2000 183 132 51 60 35 25 89 74 15 17 10 7
2001 188 128 60 72 40 32 79 62 17 16 9 7
2002 223 146 77 120 81 39 65 51 14 41 15 26
2003 251 153 98 128 72 56 69 56 13 34 15 19
2004 348 233 115 193 119 74 93 73 20 48 31 17
2005 477 318 159 254 167 87 151 111 40 87 48 39
2006 590 384 206 297 187 110 147 109 38 198 122 76
2007 498 339 159 314 206 108 113 95 18 69 37 32
2008 636 410 226 343 206 137 214 163 51 70 37 33
2009 728 493 235 369 235 134 247 195 52 91 44 47
2010 696 444 252 385 235 150 215 162 53 86 40 46
2011 686 443 243 334 197 137 254 187 67 83 41 42
2012 681 421 260 377 206 171 259 197 62 72 34 38
2013 887 563 324 411 222 189 409 312 97 86 38 48
2014 1,041 680 361 432 236 196 520 390 130 175 101 74
2015 1,320 862 458 527 295 232 645 466 179 465 327 138
2016 1,788 1,202 586 697 419 278 732 527 205 930 661 269
2017 2,053 1,349 704 647 350 297 786 559 227 1,399 973 426
2018 2,036 1,341 695 572 335 237 639 427 212 1,556 1,057 499
2019 1,768 1,206 562 450 268 182 471 324 147 1,445 1,023 422
2020 2,176 1,521 655 491 321 170 447 319 128 1,916 1,362 554
2021 2,539 1,756 783 512 309 203 203 145 58 2,287 1,622 665
2022 2,422 1,713 709 353 210 143 159 117 42 2,228 1,606 622
2023 2,287 1,608 679 285 159 126 84 62 22 2,126 1,527 599

Opioid deaths: Summing of categories will result in more than the number of all opioid drug overdoses. Categories of deaths are not exclusive as deaths might involve more than one drug.

1Opioid drug overdoses are those with an underlying cause of death defined by the ICD-10 codes: X40-X44, X60-X64, X85, and Y10-Y14; these overdoses must have a related cause of death of T40.0-T40.4 or T40.6.

2Prescription overdoses available by prescription only, with any of the following ICD-10 codes listed as a related cause of death: T40.2-T40.3. This list includes both prescription opioid pain relievers (e.g., hydrocodone, oxycodone, and morphine) and opioids used to treat addiction (e.g., methadone).

3Heroin overdoses are drug overdoses with related cause death codes T40.1.

4Fentanyl & Other Synthetic Opioid are drug overdoses with related cause of death code T40.4.

Source: 2000-2023 Michigan Death Files, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.