Accidents and Accidental Drug Overdoses by Sex,
Black Michigan Residents 2000-2023

Numbers and Drug Overdoses as Percent of Accidents

Year Accidents Accidental Opioid
Drug Overdoses
Percentage of Accidents
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
2000 538 364 174 42 28 14 7.8 7.7 8.0
2001 501 314 187 36 21 15 7.2 6.7 8.0
2002 530 360 170 35 23 12 6.6 6.4 7.1
2003 478 310 168 40 25 15 8.4 8.1 8.9
2004 462 309 153 43 21 22 9.3 6.8 14.4
2005 447 301 146 64 42 22 14.3 14.0 15.1
2006 469 333 136 82 56 26 17.5 16.8 19.1
2007 518 350 168 57 39 18 11.0 11.1 10.7
2008 457 273 184 77 51 26 16.8 18.7 14.1
2009 551 362 189 102 71 31 18.5 19.6 16.4
2010 485 292 193 67 35 32 13.8 12.0 16.6
2011 511 317 194 77 45 32 15.1 14.2 16.5
2012 472 299 173 74 43 31 15.7 14.4 17.9
2013 557 363 194 100 71 29 18.0 19.6 14.9
2014 612 384 228 139 93 46 22.7 24.2 20.2
2015 649 438 211 179 123 56 27.6 28.1 26.5
2016 766 502 264 257 165 92 33.6 32.9 34.8
2017 875 604 271 337 232 105 38.5 38.4 38.7
2018 921 604 317 414 276 138 45.0 45.7 43.5
2019 921 606 315 421 297 124 45.7 49.0 39.4
2020 1,185 803 382 536 374 162 45.2 46.6 42.4
2021 1,355 922 433 646 448 198 47.7 48.6 45.7
2022 1,271 889 382 650 487 163 51.1 54.8 42.7
2023 1,270 914 356 693 517 176 54.6 56.6 49.4

Note: Accidents are deaths with an underlying cause of death of ICD-10 codes: V01-X59 or Y85-Y86. Accidental drug overdoses are accidental poisoning deaths (underlying cause of death X40-X44) with a related cause of death that mentions heroin, prescription opioids or other synthetic opioids (ICD-10 T40.0-T40.4, T40.6)

Source: 2000-2023 Michigan Death Files, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.