Age-Adjusted Rates for Accidents and Accidental Drug Overdoses by Sex,
Black Michigan Residents, 2000-2023

Age-Adjusted Rates
Year Accidents Accidental Opioid
Drug Overdoses
Total Male Female Total Male Female
2000 41.2 ±3.6 63.0 ±7.0 24.4 ±3.7 3.2 ±1.0 4.7 ±1.7 *  
2001 38.8 ±3.5 52.5 ±6.2 26.9 ±3.9 2.6 ±0.9 3.3 ±1.4 *  
2002 39.6 ±3.5 59.2 ±6.6 23.8 ±3.6 2.6 ±0.9 3.7 ±1.5 *  
2003 35.7 ±3.3 50.1 ±6.0 23.9 ±3.6 2.8 ±0.9 3.9 ±1.5 *  
2004 34.5 ±3.2 53.0 ±6.4 20.7 ±3.3 3.1 ±0.9 3.4 ±1.4 2.9 ±1.2
2005 32.8 ±3.1 48.0 ±5.7 20.0 ±3.3 4.5 ±1.1 6.3 ±1.9 2.9 ±1.2
2006 34.0 ±3.1 53.9 ±6.1 18.1 ±3.1 5.7 ±1.2 8.6 ±2.3 3.3 ±1.3
2007 37.3 ±3.3 56.6 ±6.2 22.1 ±3.4 3.9 ±1.0 5.8 ±1.8 *  
2008 33.2 ±3.1 43.6 ±5.4 24.4 ±3.5 5.3 ±1.2 7.6 ±2.1 3.3 ±1.3
2009 39.4 ±3.4 57.6 ±6.2 24.6 ±3.5 7.0 ±1.4 10.6 ±2.5 4.0 ±1.4
2010 34.5 ±3.1 44.5 ±5.2 26.1 ±3.7 4.7 ±1.1 5.1 ±1.7 4.4 ±1.5
2011 37.2 ±3.3 50.5 ±5.7 26.3 ±3.8 5.6 ±1.3 6.8 ±2.0 4.5 ±1.6
2012 34.1 ±3.1 46.9 ±5.5 23.0 ±3.5 5.2 ±1.2 6.4 ±2.0 4.2 ±1.5
2013 39.6 ±3.4 55.9 ±5.9 26.3 ±3.8 7.0 ±1.4 10.7 ±2.6 3.9 ±1.5
2014 43.2 ±3.5 58.6 ±6.0 29.6 ±3.9 9.5 ±1.6 13.6 ±2.8 6.0 ±1.8
2015 46.0 ±3.6 67.9 ±6.5 27.9 ±3.8 12.4 ±1.9 18.6 ±3.4 7.1 ±1.9
2016 53.9 ±3.9 77.2 ±7.0 34.6 ±4.3 17.8 ±2.2 24.8 ±3.9 11.9 ±2.5
2017 62.1 ±4.2 92.9 ±7.6 36.9 ±4.5 23.7 ±2.6 34.9 ±4.6 14.3 ±2.8
2018 65.1 ±4.3 94.3 ±7.7 41.2 ±4.7 28.4 ±2.8 41.7 ±5.1 17.4 ±3.0
2019 64.1 ±4.2 92.9 ±7.6 40.4 ±4.6 28.9 ±2.8 44.8 ±5.2 15.7 ±2.8
2020 82.0 ±4.8 119.4 ±8.5 49.8 ±5.1 36.7 ±3.2 55.1 ±5.7 21.2 ±3.3
2021 94.2 ±5.1 139.6 ±9.3 56.6 ±5.5 44.1 ±3.5 65.9 ±6.3 25.8 ±3.7
2022 88.3 ±5.0 134.3 ±9.1 49.8 ±5.1 45.0 ±3.6 72.4 ±6.6 21.6 ±3.4
2023 87.8 ±5.0 135.6 ±9.0 46.9 ±5.0 47.5 ±3.6 75.7 ±6.7 23.6 ±3.6

Average Annual Rates of Change
Year Accidents Accidental Opioid
Drug Overdoses
Total Male Female Total Male Female
2000-2010 -1.8 -3.4 0.7 3.9 0.8 ---
2010-2020 9.0 10.4 6.7 22.9 26.9 17.1
2010-2021 9.6 11.0 7.3 22.6 26.3 17.5
2010-2022 8.1 9.7 5.5 20.8 24.8 14.3
2010-2023 7.5 9.0 4.6 19.5 23.1 13.8

Note: Accidents are deaths with an underlying cause of death of ICD-10 codes: V01-X59 or Y85-Y86. Accidental drug overdoses are accidental poisoining deaths (underlying cause of death X40-X44) with a related cause of death that mentions heroin, prescription opioids or other synthetic opioids(ICD-10 T40.0-T40.4,T40.6).

Rates are per 100,000. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. The true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of the interval with 95% statistical confidence.

Source: 2000-2023 Michigan Death Files, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.