Top 100 Female Baby Names,
Michigan, 1960 - 1969

1 - 34

35 - 67

68 - 100










1. Lisa 22,654 35. Teresa 5,453 68. Annette 2,830
2. Kimberly 18,558 36. Tracy 5,452 69. Terri 2,816
3. Mary 17,872 37. Rebecca 5,353 70. Kathryn 2,691
4. Susan 14,412 38. Wendy 5,322 71. Carolyn 2,668
5. Michelle 14,023 39. Sharon 5,275 72. Shelly 2,635
6. Karen 13,584 40. Michele 5,257 73. Janice 2,585
7. Julie 11,052 41. Ann 5,220 74. Christina 2,496
8. Patricia 9,958 42. Melissa 5,185 75. Diana 2,431
9. Dawn 9,853 43. Robin 5,052 76. Kim 2,383
10. Lori 9,741 44. Theresa 5,051 77. Carrie 2,320
11. Linda 9,740 45. Jill 4,640 78. Jane 2,289
12. Laura 9,722 46. Catherine 4,293 79. Maria 2,261
13. Deborah 9,292 47. Laurie 4,082 80. Judith 2,251
14. Pamela 9,113 48. Renee 4,045 81. Tracey 2,164
15. Kelly 8,978 49. Jacqueline 4,009 82. Valerie 2,154
16. Sandra 8,704 50. Rhonda 3,778 83. Leslie 2,148
17. Cynthia 8,700 51. Janet 3,674 84. Bonnie 2,117
18. Amy 8,249 52. Sherry 3,602 85. Heather 2,068
19. Christine 8,199 53. Paula 3,528 86. Victoria 2,037
20. Jennifer 8,167 54. Margaret 3,485 87. Kristine 2,010
21. Tammy 8,103 55. Suzanne 3,439 88. Sherri 1,968
22. Debra 7,736 56. Stephanie 3,312 89. Marie 1,958
23. Cheryl 7,635 57. Lynn 3,184 90. Penny 1,957
24. Kathleen 7,452 58. Beth 3,104 91. Sheryl 1,912
25. Brenda 7,297 59. Anne 3,087 92. Monica 1,898
26. Barbara 7,268 60. Katherine 3,077 93. Sarah 1,896
27. Elizabeth 7,140 61. Kathy 3,048 94. Heidi 1,881
28. Nancy 6,920 62. Sheila 2,997 95. Vicki 1,878
29. Denise 6,716 63. Cindy 2,968 96. Stacey 1,860
30. Tina 6,592 64. Tamara 2,949 97. Deanna 1,847
31. Angela 6,375 65. Andrea 2,892 98-99. Kristin 1,810
32. Donna 6,282 66. Colleen 2,852 98-99. Darlene 1,810
33. Diane 5,691 67. Connie 2,848 100. Shannon 1,792
34. Carol 5,483

Note: The frequency is calculated by counting the unique spelling of the name.  For example, in order to determine the frequency of the name "Lindsay", babies named "Lindsey" would not be considered, even though the two names sound alike and would have a higher rank if both were counted as one.
Source: 1960-1969 Michigan Resident Birth File.  Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services

October 18, 2022