YearMultiparous MothersInterpregnancy Interval
Short IPIIPI of 12-35 MonthsIPI of 36 Months and over
Three-year Total & Rate of Live Births by Interpregnancy Interval and by Year,
Flint City, Genesee County,
Michigan 1989-2022
1989-19912,377  575  241.9969  407.7833  350.4
1990-19921,919  508  264.7788  410.6623  324.6
1991-19933,163  831  262.71,323  418.31,009  319.0
1992-19944,359  1,143  262.21,786  409.71,430  328.1
1993-19955,141  1,304  253.62,068  402.31,769  344.1
1994-19964,633  1,092  235.71,860  401.51,681  362.8
1995-19974,221  954  226.01,686  399.41,581  374.6
1996-19984,095  900  219.81,668  407.31,527  372.9
1997-19993,859  829  214.81,539  398.81,491  386.4
1998-20003,590  745  207.51,461  407.01,384  385.5
1999-20013,375  678  200.91,377  408.01,320  391.1
2000-20023,170  652  205.71,279  403.51,239  390.9
2001-20032,919  597  204.51,143  391.61,179  403.9
2002-20042,818  587  208.31,078  382.51,153  409.2
2003-20052,638  547  207.41,005  381.01,086  411.7
2004-20062,638  536  203.21,013  384.01,089  412.8
2005-20072,740  591  215.71,068  389.81,081  394.5
2006-20082,921  682  233.51,116  382.11,123  384.5
2007-20093,032  755  249.01,151  379.61,126  371.4
2008-20102,932  719  245.21,133  386.41,080  368.3
2009-20112,794  663  237.31,101  394.11,030  368.6
2010-20122,723  633  232.51,050  385.61,040  381.9
2011-20132,767  644  232.71,039  375.51,084  391.8
2012-20142,827  684  242.01,052  372.11,091  385.9
2013-20152,853  705  247.11,064  372.91,084  380.0
2014-20162,794  698  249.81,019  364.71,077  385.5
2015-20172,718  670  246.5969  356.51,079  397.0
2016-20182,622  628  239.5935  356.61,059  403.9
2017-20192,483  619  249.3854  343.91,010  406.8
2018-20202,290  562  245.4796  347.6932  407.0
2019-20212,062  500  242.5720  349.2842  408.3
2020-20221,941  437  225.1681  350.9823  424.0


Rates are per 1,000 multiparous mothers.
Inter-pregnancy Interval (IPI) is the time in months between the date of last menstrual period of current pregnancy and the date of previous live birth among multiparous mothers. (This definition of IPI is sometimes called the "birth-to-birth interval, minus 9 months.")

Short IPI
The IPI is less than 12 months.

Source: 1989 Michigan Birth Certificate Registry;1990-2022 Geocoded Michigan Birth Certificate Registries.
Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services