YearSingleton Weight Gain of Mother
Weight Gain LowWeight Gain NormalWeight Gain High
Three-year Total & Percent of Live Births by Weight Gain of Mother and by Year,
Flint City, Genesee County,
Michigan 1989-2022
1989-199110,659  ---  ------  ------  ---
1990-199210,585  ---  ------  ------  ---
1991-199310,243  ---  ------  ------  ---
1992-19949,819  ---  ------  ------  ---
1993-19958,987  ---  ------  ------  ---
1994-19968,225  ---  ------  ------  ---
1995-19977,600  ---  ------  ------  ---
1996-19987,375  ---  ------  ------  ---
1997-19997,296  ---  ------  ------  ---
1998-20007,152  ---  ------  ------  ---
1999-20017,082  ---  ------  ------  ---
2000-20026,803  ---  ------  ------  ---
2001-20036,559  ---  ------  ------  ---
2002-20046,362  ---  ------  ------  ---
2003-20056,167  ---  ------  ------  ---
2004-20066,060  ---  ------  ------  ---
2005-20075,946  ---  ------  ------  ---
2006-20085,732  ---  ------  ------  ---
2007-20095,511  ---  ------  ------  ---
2008-20105,200  1,061  20.41,354  26.02,682  51.6
2009-20114,922  1,017  20.71,281  26.02,532  51.4
2010-20124,655  990  21.31,210  26.02,376  51.0
2011-20134,553  996  21.91,148  25.22,328  51.1
2012-20144,517  977  21.61,148  25.42,326  51.5
2013-20154,368  925  21.21,148  26.32,251  51.5
2014-20164,215  891  21.11,113  26.42,156  51.2
2015-20174,079  860  21.11,047  25.72,078  50.9
2016-20183,928  848  21.6952  24.21,973  50.2
2017-20193,722  831  22.3883  23.71,820  48.9
2018-20203,479  789  22.7826  23.71,671  48.0
2019-20213,271  793  24.2734  22.41,581  48.3
2020-20223,038  733  24.1689  22.71,508  49.6


--- Triple dashes indicates that the data is not available. Certain birth variables, such as those related to weight gain, BMI, WIC, breastfeeding, infections, tobacco use, chronic conditions and other variables, were not collected before 2008.
Weight Gain Low
Weight gain is considered low if it falls below the IOM recommended range of weight gain.
Weight Gain Normal
Weight gain is considered normal if it is within the IOM recommended range of weight gain.
Weight Gain High
Weight gain is considered high if it rises above the IOM recommended range of weight gain.

Source: 1989 Michigan Birth Certificate Registry;1990-2022 Geocoded Michigan Birth Certificate Registries.
Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services