YearLive BirthsMethod of Delivery
VaginalCesareanFirst CesareanRepeat C-SectionVaginal Delivery After Cesarean
Three-year Total & Rate of Live Births by Method of Delivery and by Year,
Flint City, Genesee County,
Michigan 1989-2022
1989-199110,996  7,941  722.23,036  276.11,676  152.41,360  123.788  8.0
1990-199210,923  7,948  727.62,949  270.01,631  149.31,318  120.782  7.5
1991-199310,549  7,668  726.92,854  270.51,624  153.91,230  116.680  7.6
1992-199410,120  7,412  732.42,687  265.51,540  152.21,147  113.393  9.2
1993-19959,274  6,866  740.32,396  258.41,300  140.21,096  118.2101  10.9
1994-19968,483  6,361  749.92,116  249.41,093  128.81,023  120.6101  11.9
1995-19977,836  5,901  753.11,930  246.3987  126.0943  120.382  10.5
1996-19987,596  5,722  753.31,869  246.11,033  136.0836  110.162  8.2
1997-19997,517  5,696  757.71,818  241.91,028  136.8790  105.150  6.7
1998-20007,375  5,607  760.31,764  239.21,022  138.6742  100.648  6.5
1999-20017,316  5,486  749.91,826  249.61,033  141.2793  108.439  5.3
2000-20027,063  5,138  727.51,922  272.11,094  154.9828  117.236  5.1
2001-20036,826  4,855  711.31,968  288.31,114  163.2854  125.128  4.1
2002-20046,637  4,626  697.02,008  302.51,171  176.4837  126.127  4.1
2003-20056,415  4,392  684.62,022  315.21,188  185.2834  130.018  2.8
2004-20066,295  4,197  666.72,093  332.51,201  190.8892  141.715  2.4
2005-20076,150  4,043  657.42,101  341.61,171  190.4930  151.214  2.3
2006-20085,934  3,835  646.32,092  352.51,161  195.7945  159.323  3.9
2007-20095,731  3,647  636.42,082  363.31,193  208.2915  159.732  5.6
2008-20105,408  3,401  628.92,003  370.41,170  216.3865  159.933  6.1
2009-20115,120  3,177  620.51,940  378.91,115  217.8844  164.832  6.3
2010-20124,817  2,989  620.51,825  378.91,019  211.5816  169.428  5.8
2011-20134,725  2,908  615.41,817  384.6991  209.7838  177.430  6.3
2012-20144,670  2,890  618.81,780  381.21,006  215.4808  173.041  8.8
2013-20154,517  2,842  629.21,675  370.8901  199.5821  181.849  10.8
2014-20164,353  2,762  634.51,591  365.5825  189.5830  190.766  15.2
2015-20174,230  2,706  639.71,524  360.3733  173.3844  199.555  13.0
2016-20184,082  2,579  631.81,503  368.2741  181.5811  198.751  12.5
2017-20193,866  2,513  650.01,353  350.0652  168.6737  190.638  9.8
2018-20203,613  2,382  659.31,231  340.7612  169.4657  181.839  10.8
2019-20213,378  2,268  671.41,109  328.3555  164.3601  177.947  13.9
2020-20223,146  2,083  662.11,062  337.6552  175.5563  179.054  17.2


Rates are per 1,000 live births.
The mother's current birth was delivered via cesarean.
First Cesarean
The mother's first cesarean delivery.
Repeat C-Section
The mother had a cesarean delivery in the past.

Source: 1989 Michigan Birth Certificate Registry;1990-2022 Geocoded Michigan Birth Certificate Registries.
Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services