Age-adjusted Diabetes Rates by 12-Month Ending with Quarter
Macomb and Michigan Residents,
2008-2021 & Provisional 2022 Q1 to 2023 Q1

Rates are per 100,000. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. The true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of the interval with 95% statistical confidence.

Diabetes Deaths & Age-adjusted Rates by Twelve Months Ending with Quarter,
Macomb and Michigan Residents,
2008-2021 & Provisional 2022 Q1 to 2023 Q1
Macomb Michigan
Number of Deaths Age-adjusted Rate Number of Deaths Age-adjusted Rate
2023 Q1 802 70.3 5.0 9,928 76.5 1.5
2022 Q4 886 77.2 5.2 11,089 85.4 1.6
2022 Q3 955 83.8 5.4 11,876 91.6 1.7
2022 Q2 964 84.7 5.5 12,067 93.1 1.7
2022 Q1 1,001 87.6 5.5 12,459 96.2 1.7
2021 Q4 975 85.2 5.5 12,191 93.9 1.7
2021 Q3 966 84.3 5.4 12,113 93.3 1.7
2021 Q2 978 84.8 5.4 11,899 91.7 1.7
2021 Q1 1,052 91.6 5.6 12,225 94.3 1.7
2020 Q4 1,041 91.5 5.7 11,666 90.3 1.7
2020 Q3 941 82.3 5.4 10,436 80.7 1.6
2020 Q2 871 76.5 5.2 10,029 77.4 1.5
2020 Q1 727 63.7 4.7 8,954 69.0 1.5
2019 Q4 715 61.7 4.6 8,781 67.5 1.4
2019 Q3 670 57.9 4.5 8,647 66.6 1.4
2019 Q2 677 58.6 4.5 8,575 66.1 1.4
2019 Q1 661 56.9 4.4 8,477 65.3 1.4
2018 Q4 618 53.3 4.3 8,518 65.7 1.4
2018 Q3 627 54.2 4.3 8,504 65.7 1.4
2018 Q2 597 52.2 4.3 8,377 65.1 1.4
2018 Q1 618 54.4 4.4 8,417 65.8 1.4
2017 Q4 664 58.8 4.6 8,343 65.6 1.4
2017 Q3 687 61.1 4.7 8,406 66.4 1.4
2017 Q2 697 62.0 4.7 8,502 67.2 1.5
2017 Q1 708 63.2 4.8 8,485 67.5 1.5
2016 Q4 688 62.0 4.7 8,510 67.9 1.5
2016 Q3 705 63.6 4.8 8,413 67.4 1.5
2016 Q2 736 66.3 4.9 8,442 68.0 1.5
2016 Q1 718 64.9 4.8 8,393 68.0 1.5
2015 Q4 739 66.6 4.9 8,474 69.0 1.5
2015 Q3 731 66.3 4.9 8,566 70.0 1.5
2015 Q2 716 65.1 4.8 8,581 70.5 1.5
2015 Q1 720 65.9 4.9 8,658 71.2 1.5
2014 Q4 703 65.1 4.9 8,662 71.6 1.5
2014 Q3 715 66.5 4.9 8,634 71.6 1.5
2014 Q2 701 66.0 5.0 8,679 72.3 1.5
2014 Q1 717 67.7 5.0 8,707 72.8 1.6
2013 Q4 708 67.2 5.0 8,876 74.5 1.6
2013 Q3 708 67.6 5.1 8,979 75.5 1.6
2013 Q2 713 68.0 5.1 9,008 76.1 1.6
2013 Q1 700 66.7 5.0 9,068 76.9 1.6
2012 Q4 685 65.2 4.9 8,848 75.3 1.6
2012 Q3 666 63.1 4.9 8,681 74.3 1.6
2012 Q2 678 64.4 4.9 8,806 75.8 1.6
2012 Q1 677 65.0 4.9 8,789 76.1 1.6
2011 Q4 689 66.3 5.0 8,837 77.0 1.6
2011 Q3 684 66.4 5.0 9,002 78.6 1.6
2011 Q2 683 66.9 5.1 8,852 77.6 1.6
2011 Q1 674 66.1 5.0 8,785 77.4 1.6
2010 Q4 664 65.9 5.1 8,584 76.0 1.6
2010 Q3 673 67.1 5.1 8,498 75.6 1.6
2010 Q2 684 68.1 5.1 8,453 75.6 1.6
2010 Q1 697 70.1 5.2 8,424 75.6 1.6
2009 Q4 701 70.8 5.3 8,638 77.8 1.7
2009 Q3 664 67.4 5.2 8,579 77.6 1.7
2009 Q2 641 65.6 5.1 8,599 78.1 1.7
2009 Q1 634 64.8 5.1 8,611 78.5 1.7
2008 Q4 628 64.6 5.1 8,771 80.2 1.7
2008 Q3 630 65.2 5.1 8,847 81.2 1.7
2008 Q2 633 65.8 5.1 8,861 81.6 1.7
2008 Q1 620 64.7 5.1 8,843 81.8 1.7

Note: Rates are per 100,000. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. The true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of the interval with 95% statistical confidence.