Crude Cancer Rates by 12-Month Ending with Quarter
Macomb and Michigan Residents,
2008-2021 & Provisional 2022 Q1 to 2023 Q1

Rates are per 100,000. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. The true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of the interval with 95% statistical confidence.

Cancer Deaths & Crude Rates by Twelve Months Ending with Quarter,
Macomb and Michigan Residents,
2008-2021 & Provisional 2022 Q1 to 2023 Q1
Macomb Michigan
Number of Deaths Crude Rate Number of Deaths Crude Rate
2023 Q1 1,785 203.6 9.4 20,054 199.5 2.8
2022 Q4 1,863 212.5 9.6 21,016 209.1 2.8
2022 Q3 1,920 219.0 9.8 21,181 210.7 2.8
2022 Q2 1,885 215.0 9.7 21,354 212.5 2.8
2022 Q1 1,896 216.2 9.7 21,283 211.8 2.8
2021 Q4 1,867 212.9 9.7 21,221 211.1 2.8
2021 Q3 1,851 210.9 9.6 21,167 210.5 2.8
2021 Q2 1,874 213.3 9.7 21,045 209.2 2.8
2021 Q1 1,870 212.6 9.6 20,998 208.7 2.8
2020 Q4 1,954 222.0 9.8 21,118 209.8 2.8
2020 Q3 1,985 225.8 9.9 20,986 208.8 2.8
2020 Q2 1,978 225.4 9.9 21,076 210.1 2.8
2020 Q1 1,969 224.7 9.9 21,084 210.5 2.8
2019 Q4 1,890 216.1 9.7 20,865 208.7 2.8
2019 Q3 1,887 215.7 9.7 20,832 208.4 2.8
2019 Q2 1,913 218.7 9.8 20,745 207.5 2.8
2019 Q1 1,906 217.9 9.8 20,760 207.7 2.8
2018 Q4 1,970 225.2 9.9 21,025 210.3 2.8
2018 Q3 1,896 217.0 9.8 20,869 209.0 2.8
2018 Q2 1,884 215.8 9.7 20,707 207.5 2.8
2018 Q1 1,900 217.8 9.8 20,707 207.7 2.8
2017 Q4 1,906 218.7 9.8 20,645 207.2 2.8
2017 Q3 1,926 221.3 9.9 20,855 209.5 2.8
2017 Q2 1,927 221.6 9.9 21,003 211.2 2.9
2017 Q1 1,942 223.6 9.9 21,104 212.4 2.9
2016 Q4 1,906 219.7 9.9 20,959 211.1 2.9
2016 Q3 1,929 222.5 9.9 20,804 209.6 2.8
2016 Q2 1,923 222.0 9.9 20,773 209.3 2.8
2016 Q1 1,905 220.1 9.9 20,637 208.0 2.8
2015 Q4 1,923 222.4 9.9 20,559 207.2 2.8
2015 Q3 1,941 224.6 10.0 20,835 210.0 2.9
2015 Q2 1,965 227.6 10.1 20,832 210.0 2.9
2015 Q1 2,010 233.1 10.2 20,963 211.4 2.9
2014 Q4 1,997 231.8 10.2 21,074 212.5 2.9
2014 Q3 1,952 226.9 10.1 20,693 208.8 2.8
2014 Q2 1,883 219.3 9.9 20,580 207.7 2.8
2014 Q1 1,798 209.8 9.7 20,499 207.0 2.8
2013 Q4 1,771 207.0 9.6 20,395 206.0 2.8
2013 Q3 1,766 206.9 9.6 20,425 206.4 2.8
2013 Q2 1,788 209.9 9.7 20,596 208.2 2.8
2013 Q1 1,789 210.5 9.8 20,460 206.9 2.8
2012 Q4 1,790 211.1 9.8 20,503 207.4 2.8
2012 Q3 1,784 210.7 9.8 20,413 206.6 2.8
2012 Q2 1,806 213.7 9.9 20,335 205.8 2.8
2012 Q1 1,830 216.8 9.9 20,486 207.4 2.8
2011 Q4 1,829 217.0 9.9 20,355 206.1 2.8
2011 Q3 1,866 221.5 10.1 20,578 208.4 2.8
2011 Q2 1,816 215.7 9.9 20,536 207.9 2.8
2011 Q1 1,880 223.4 10.1 20,609 208.7 2.8
2010 Q4 1,875 222.9 10.1 20,619 208.7 2.8
2010 Q3 1,827 217.3 10.0 20,500 207.4 2.8
2010 Q2 1,853 220.5 10.0 20,358 205.9 2.8
2010 Q1 1,791 213.2 9.9 20,125 203.4 2.8
2009 Q4 1,754 208.9 9.8 20,174 203.7 2.8
2009 Q3 1,758 209.5 9.8 20,167 203.4 2.8
2009 Q2 1,743 207.8 9.8 20,166 203.2 2.8
2009 Q1 1,755 209.4 9.8 20,197 203.3 2.8
2008 Q4 1,803 215.2 9.9 20,159 202.7 2.8
2008 Q3 1,810 216.2 10.0 20,202 202.8 2.8
2008 Q2 1,788 213.7 9.9 20,209 202.6 2.8
2008 Q1 1,763 210.8 9.8 20,062 200.9 2.8

Note: Rates are per 100,000. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. The true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of the interval with 95% statistical confidence.