Age-adjusted Cancer Rates by 12-Month Ending with Quarter
City Of Detroit Health Department and Michigan Residents,
2008-2021 & Provisional 2022 Q1 to 2023 Q1

Rates are per 100,000. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. The true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of the interval with 95% statistical confidence.

Cancer Deaths & Age-adjusted Rates by Twelve Months Ending with Quarter,
City Of Detroit Health Department and Michigan Residents,
2008-2021 & Provisional 2022 Q1 to 2023 Q1
City Of Detroit Health Department Michigan
Number of Deaths Age-adjusted Rate Number of Deaths Age-adjusted Rate
2023 Q1 1,067 146.7 9.0 20,054 151.4 2.1
2022 Q4 1,156 158.1 9.3 21,016 158.9 2.2
2022 Q3 1,199 163.1 9.5 21,181 160.5 2.2
2022 Q2 1,194 162.7 9.5 21,354 161.6 2.2
2022 Q1 1,221 164.9 9.5 21,283 160.9 2.2
2021 Q4 1,216 164.3 9.5 21,221 160.2 2.2
2021 Q3 1,182 161.2 9.4 21,167 159.7 2.2
2021 Q2 1,244 171.3 9.8 21,045 159.1 2.2
2021 Q1 1,254 173.8 9.9 20,998 159.1 2.2
2020 Q4 1,279 177.9 10.0 21,118 160.4 2.2
2020 Q3 1,330 182.8 10.1 20,986 159.6 2.2
2020 Q2 1,313 178.3 9.9 21,076 160.3 2.2
2020 Q1 1,307 177.0 9.8 21,084 160.6 2.2
2019 Q4 1,313 177.7 9.8 20,865 159.0 2.2
2019 Q3 1,260 171.6 9.7 20,832 159.1 2.2
2019 Q2 1,247 169.7 9.6 20,745 158.7 2.2
2019 Q1 1,248 169.7 9.6 20,760 159.0 2.2
2018 Q4 1,252 168.9 9.6 21,025 161.1 2.2
2018 Q3 1,276 172.8 9.7 20,869 160.5 2.2
2018 Q2 1,285 176.3 9.9 20,707 160.1 2.2
2018 Q1 1,304 179.9 10.0 20,707 160.8 2.2
2017 Q4 1,311 181.7 10.1 20,645 161.1 2.2
2017 Q3 1,318 183.2 10.1 20,855 163.6 2.3
2017 Q2 1,299 179.4 10.0 21,003 165.8 2.3
2017 Q1 1,356 188.5 10.3 21,104 167.3 2.3
2016 Q4 1,376 191.8 10.4 20,959 167.1 2.3
2016 Q3 1,351 189.0 10.3 20,804 166.5 2.3
2016 Q2 1,376 192.9 10.4 20,773 166.7 2.3
2016 Q1 1,348 189.4 10.4 20,637 166.5 2.3
2015 Q4 1,334 187.8 10.3 20,559 166.6 2.3
2015 Q3 1,357 189.4 10.3 20,835 169.3 2.3
2015 Q2 1,350 188.1 10.3 20,831 170.2 2.4
2015 Q1 1,373 189.4 10.3 20,962 171.7 2.4
2014 Q4 1,383 191.1 10.3 21,073 173.5 2.4
2014 Q3 1,407 196.2 10.5 20,692 171.3 2.4
2014 Q2 1,498 209.1 10.8 20,580 171.1 2.4
2014 Q1 1,491 208.4 10.8 20,499 171.3 2.4
2013 Q4 1,499 209.6 10.8 20,395 170.9 2.4
2013 Q3 1,503 208.9 10.8 20,425 171.9 2.4
2013 Q2 1,490 207.0 10.7 20,596 173.9 2.4
2013 Q1 1,494 208.4 10.8 20,460 173.4 2.4
2012 Q4 1,553 217.2 11.0 20,503 174.9 2.4
2012 Q3 1,565 219.2 11.0 20,413 175.1 2.4
2012 Q2 1,578 221.4 11.1 20,335 175.5 2.4
2012 Q1 1,571 220.5 11.1 20,486 177.7 2.5
2011 Q4 1,523 213.8 10.9 20,355 177.3 2.5
2011 Q3 1,547 217.8 11.0 20,578 179.7 2.5
2011 Q2 1,534 216.0 11.0 20,536 180.1 2.5
2011 Q1 1,573 221.0 11.1 20,609 181.5 2.5
2010 Q4 1,579 220.9 11.0 20,619 182.4 2.5
2010 Q3 1,582 221.3 11.0 20,500 182.2 2.5
2010 Q2 1,587 221.7 11.0 20,358 181.7 2.5
2010 Q1 1,593 223.3 11.1 20,125 180.3 2.5
2009 Q4 1,628 227.8 11.2 20,174 181.5 2.5
2009 Q3 1,681 233.4 11.3 20,167 182.1 2.5
2009 Q2 1,670 231.1 11.2 20,166 182.7 2.5
2009 Q1 1,688 232.1 11.2 20,197 183.5 2.5
2008 Q4 1,683 231.7 11.2 20,159 183.9 2.6
2008 Q3 1,688 232.1 11.2 20,202 185.1 2.6
2008 Q2 1,692 232.3 11.2 20,209 186.0 2.6
2008 Q1 1,674 230.0 11.1 20,062 185.4 2.6

Note: Rates are per 100,000. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. The true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds of the interval with 95% statistical confidence.