CLINICAL CLASSIFICATIONS FOR ICD-9-CM PROCEDURES BY THE HEALTHCARE COST AND UTILIZATION PROJECT (HCUP) __________________________________________________________________________________ Automatic Impliantable Cardioverter/Defibrillator (AICD) Check 89.49 Abdominal Paracentesis 54.91 Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation/Detoxification 94.61-94.69 Amnioinfusion 75.37 Amputation of Lower Extremity 84.10-84.19 Anatomic and Physiologic Measurements and Manual Examinations, Except EEG and Nonoperative Urinary System Measurements 89.10-89.13,89.15-89.19 89.20-89.28 89.30-89.39 Angloplasty or Atherectomy of Other Non-Coronary Vessels 39.50 Aortic Resection; Replacement or Anastomosis 38.34 38.44 38.64 38.71 38.73 Appendectomy 47.01 47.09 47.11 47.19 Arterio- or Venogram (not Heart & Head) 88.40 88.43-88.47 88.49-88.51 88.58 88.60-88.68 Arthrocentesis 89.91 Arthroplasty Knee 00.80-00.84 81.41-81.44 81.46-81.47 81.54-81.55 Arthroplasty Other Than Hip or Knee 81.48-81.49 81.56-81.57 81.59 81.71-81.75 81.79-81.87 81.97 Arthrotomy 80.0 80.1 Artificial Pacemaker Rate Check 89.45 Artificial Rupture of Membranes to Assist Delivery 73.01 73.09 Aspiration of Bursa of Hand 81.92 Biopsy of Bone 77.4 Biopsy of Liver 50.11-50.13 Blood Transfusion 99.00-99.09 Bone Marrow Biopsy 41.31 Cancer Chemotherapy 00.10 00.15 17.70 99.25 99.28 Cardiac Mapping 37.27 Cardiac Stress Tests 89.41-89.44 Catalytic Oxygen Therapy, Cytoreductive Effect, Oxygenators, Oxygen Therapy 93.96 Catheter Based Invasive Electrophysiologic Testing 37.26 Cerebral Arteriogram 88.41 Cesarean Section 74.0-74.2 74.4 74.99 Cholecystectomy and Common Duct Exploration 51.21-51.24 51.41-51.43 51.49 51.51 51.59 Circumcision 64.0 Closure of Intestinal Stoma 46.5 Colonoscopy and Biopsy 45.23-45.25 Colorectal Resection 17.31-17.36 17.39 45.71-45.76 45.79 45.81-45.83 48.40-48.43 48.49 48.50-48.52 48.59 48.61-48.66 48.69 Colostomy; Temporary and Permanent 46.10-46.14 Computerized Axial Tomography (CT) Scan Head 87.03 Computerized Axial Tomography (CT) Scan Chest 87.41 Computerized Axial Tomography (CT) Scan Abdomen 88.01 Contrast Aortogram 88.42 Contrast Arteriogram of Femoral and Lower Extremity Arteries 88.48 Control of Epistaxis 21.00-21.07 21.09 Conversion of Cardiac Rhythm 99.60-99.64 99.69 Coronary Artery Bypass Graft 36.10-36.17 36.19 36.2 36.31-36.34 36.39 Other Operation on Cul-De-Sac: Obliteration of cul-de-sac, Repair of Vaginal Enterocele 70.92 Debridement of Nail, Nail Bed, or Nail Fold 86.27 Debridement of Wound; Infection or Burn 86.22 86.28 Dental Procedures 23.01 23.09 23.11 23.19 23.2 23.3 23.41 23.42 23.43 23.49 23.5 23.6 23.70-23.73 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 24.91 24.99 96.54 97.22 97.33 97.34 97.35 99.97 Diagnostic Bronchoscopy & Biopsy of Bronchus 33.22-33.24 33.26 33.27 33.72 Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization; Coronary Arteriography 37.21-37.23 88.52-88.57 Diagnostic Procedures on Chest Wall, Pleura, Mediastinum, and Diaphragn 34.2 Diagnostic Procedures on Lymphatic Structures 40.1 Diagnostic Procedures on Nose; Mouth & Pharynx 21.21-21.22 21.29 22.11-22.12 22.19 24.11-24.12 24.19 25.01-25.02 25.09 26.11-26.12 26.19 27.21-27.24 27.29 28.11 28.19 29.11 29.12 29.19 Diagnostic Spinal Tap 03.31 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Head and Neck 00.21 88.71 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Heart (Echocardiogram) 00.24 88.72 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Perepheral Vascular System 88.77 Electrographic Cardiac Monitoring Embolectomy and Endarterectomy of Lower Limbs 38.08 38.18 Endarterectomy; Vessel of Head and Neck 38.11-38.12 Endoscopic Control of Gastric or Duodenal Bleeding 44.43 Endoscopic Insertion of Sten tube into Bile Duct 51.87 Endoscopic Removal of Sten tube into Biliary Tract 51.88 Endoscopic Retrograde Cannulation of Pancreas 51.10-51.11 51.97 52.13 52.91 Endoscopic Sphincterotomy and Papillotomy 51.85 Endoscopy Polypectomy of Large Intestine 45.42 Endoscopy and Endoscopic Biopsy of the Urinary Tract 55.21 55.22 55.31 56.33 57.32 57.33 58.22 58.23 Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition 96.6 99.15 Episiotomy 73.6 Excision of Muscle, Tendon, Fascia & Bursa 83.3 83.4 Excision of Skin Lesion 86.3 86.4 Excision or Destruction of Peritoneal Tissue 54.4 Excision; Lysis Peritoneal Adhesions 54.51 54.59 Extracorporeal Circulation Auxiliary to Open Heart Procedures 39.61-39.66 Fetal Monitoring 75.31-75.35 75.38 Forceps; Vacuum; and Breech Delivery 72.0 72.1 72.21 72.29 72.31 72.39 72.4 72.51 72.52 72.53 72.54 72.6 72.71 72.79 72.8 72.9 73.3 Gastroenterostomy W/O Gastrectomy 44.65 44.66 Gastroenterostomy without Gastrectomy (Excudes Percutaneous Gastrojejuostomy) 44.31 44.38 44.39 Gastrostomy; Temporary and Permanent 43.11 43.19 43.2 44.32 Genitourinary Incontinence Procedures 59.3-59.6 59.71 59.72 59.79 Genitourinary Instillation NEC 96.49 Heart Valve Procedures 35.00-35.04 35.10-35.14 35.20-35.28 35.96 35.99 Hemodialysis 39.95 Hip Replacement; Total and Partial 00.70-00.77 00.85-00.87 81.51-81.53 81.69 Hyperbaric Oxygenation & Other Oxygen Enrichment 93.95-93.96 Hysterectomy; Abdominal and Vaginal 68.31 68.39 68.41 68.49 68.51 68.59 68.61 68.69 68.71 68.79 68.9 Ileostomy and other Enterostomy 46.20-46.24 46.31-46.32 46.39 Implantation of Heart and Circulatory Assist System(s) 37.6 Incision and Drainage; Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 86.04 Incision and Excision of the Central Nervous System 01.01 01.09 01.21-01.28 01.31 01.32 01.39 01.41 01.42 01.51-01.53 01.59 Incision of Pleura; Thoracentesis; Chest Drainage 34.04 34.06 34.09 34.91 Incision with Removal of Foreign Body or Device from Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 86.05 Incisional Hernia with Prosthesis 53.61 Indwelling Catheter 57.94 Inguinal and Femoral Hernia Repair 17.11-17.13 17.21-17.24 53.00-53.05 53.10-53.17 53.21 53.29 53.31 53.39 Injection of Anesthetic or other Agent into Peripheral Nerve 04.8 Insertion of Catheter or Spinal Stimulator and Injection into the Spinal Canal 03.8 03.90-03.94 Insertion of Drug-Eluting Coronary Artery Stent(s) 36.07 Insertion of Non-Drug-Eluting Coronary Artery Stent(s) 36.06 Insertion of Non-Drug-Eluting Peripheral Vessels Stents 39.90 Insertion of Recombinant Bone Morphogenetic Protein 84.52 Insertion of Totally Implantable Vascular Device 86.07 Insertion; Revision; Replacement; Removal of Cardiac Pacemaker or Cardioverter/Defibrillator 00.50-00.54 00.56-00.57 37.70-37.79 37.80-37.83 37.85-37.87 37.89 37.94-37.98 Insertion; Replacement; or Removal of Extracranial Ventricular Shunt 02.31-02.35 02.39 02.42-02.43 Interruption of the Vena Cava (No Head & Neck) 38.7 Intestinal Anastomosis 45.9 Intraoperative Cholangiogram 87.53 Laminectomy; Excision Intervertebral Disc 03.02 03.09 80.50 80.51 80.59 84.59 84.60-84.69 84.82 84.84 Laparoscopy (GI Only) 54.21 Laparotomy, Except Exploratory Laparotomy 54.12 54.19 Ligation or Occlusion of Fallopian Tubes 66.21 66.22 66.29 66.31 66.32 66.39 Lobectomy or Pneumonectomy 32.20-32.26 32.29 32.30 32.39 32.41 32.49 32.50 32.59 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 00.32 88.81-88.97 88.99 Manually Assisted Delivery 73.5 Mastectomy 85.41-85.48 Medical Induction of Labor 73.4 Monitoring of Cardiac Output by Thermodilution Indicator 89.68 Nasogastric Tube 96.07 Nephrectomy; Partial or Complete 55.4 55.51-55.54 Nephrotomy and Nephrostomy 55.01-55.04 55.11-55.12 Occupational Therapy 93.83 Oophorectomy; Unilateral and Bilateral 65.31 65.39 65.41 65.49 65.51-65.54 65.61-65.64 Open Prostatectomy 60.3-60.5 60.61 60.62 60.69 Ophthalmologic and Otologic Diagnosis and Treatment 95.01-95.07 95.09 95.11-95.16 95.21-95.26 95.31-95.36 95.41-95.49 Osteopatic Manipulative Treatment 93.6 Partial Excision Bone 76.01 76.2 76.31 76.39 77.60-77.69 77.70-77.79 77.80-77.89 Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplastry 00.66 36.01 36.02 36.05 Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation 81.66 Pericardiectomy and Excision of Lesion of Heart 37.3 Peripheral Vascular Bypass 39.25 39.29 Physical Therapy Exercises; Manipulation; and Other Procedures 93.11-93.19 93.21-93.29 93.31-93.39 Plastic Operations on Spinal Cord Structures 03.5 Procedures on the Urethra 58.0 58.1 58.3 58.31 58.39 58.41-58.47 58.49 58.5 58.6 58.91 58.92 59.93 58.99 Proctoscopy and Anorectal Biopsy 48.23 48.24 48.26 49.21 49.22 49.23 Prophylactic Vaccinations and Inoculations 99.31-99.39 99.41-99.48 99.51-99.59 Psychological and Psychiatric Evaluation and Therapy 94.01-94.03 94.08-94.09 94.11-94.13 94.19 94.21-94.27 94.29 94.31-94.39 94.41-94.46 94.49 94.51-94.55 94.59 Radioisotope Scan and Function Studies 92.01-92.05 92.09 Recreational Therapy 93.81 Regional Excision of Lymph Node 40.3 Removal/Implant Device - NEC 78.69 Repair of Current Obstetric Laceration 75.50-75.52 75.61-75.62 75.69 Repair of Cystocele and Rectocele; Obliteration of Vaginal Vault 70.50-70.55 70.8 Repair of Umbilical Hernia 53.4 Respiratory Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation 93.90 93.92 96.01-96.05 96.70-96.72 Respiratory Medication Administered by Nebulizer 93.94 Retrograde Pyelogram 52.4 Revision of Vascular Procedure, Except That of Arteriovenous Shun 39.49 Simple Excision of Lymphatic Structure 40.2 Skin Graft 86.60-86.67 86.69 86.70-86.75 Small Bowel Resection 45.61-45.63 Speech & Reading Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation of the Blind 93.7 Spinal Fusion 81.00-81.09 81.30-8139 81.61-81.64 84.51 Suture of Muscle, Tendon & Fascia 83.6 Suture of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 86.51 86.59 Swan-Ganz Catheterization for Monitoring 89.64 System Arterial Pressure Monitoring 89.61 Therapeutic Radiology for Cancer Treatment 92.20-92.29 92.41 Thyroidectomy; Partial or Complete 06.2 06.31 06.39 06.4 06.50-06.52 06.6 Tracheostomy and Laryngoscopy with Biopsy 31.42-31.44 Tracheostomy; Temporary and Permanent 31.1 31.21 31.29 Traction; Splints; and Other Wound Care 93.41-93.46 93.51-93.59 Transurethral Excision; Drainage; or Removal Urinary Obstruction 56.0 57.0 57.41 57.49 Transurethral Resection of Prostate 60.21 60.29 60.96 60.97 Treatment of Lower Extremity, Except Hip & Femur 78.56-78.58 78.66-78.68 79.06-79.08 79.16-79.18 79.26-79.28 79.36-79.38 79.46 79.56 79.66-79.68 79.76-79.78 79.86-79.88 79.96-79.99 Treatment; Facial Fracture or Dislocation 76.70-76.79 76.93 76.94 76.97 76.99 Treatment; Fracture or Dislocation of Hip and Femur 78.55 78.65 79.05 79.15 79.25 79.35 79.45 79.55 79.65 79.75 79.85 79.95 Treatment; Fracture or Dislocation of Radius and Ulna 78.53 78.63 79.02 79.12 79.22 79.32 79.42 79.52 79.62 79.72 79.73 79.82 79.83 79.92 Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; Biopsy 42.23 42.24 44.13 44.14 45.13 45.14 45.16 Ureteral Catheterization 59.8 Vascular Catheterization Except for Heart & Renal Dialysis 38.91-38.93 Venous Catheterization for Renal Dialysis 38.95 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Source: HealthCare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), a Federal-State-Industry partnership sponsored by he Agency For HealthCare Research and Quality, with additional codes developed by Michigan Department of Community Health, Division of Vital Records and Health Statistics (see Instruction).