Procedures Performed in Short-Stay Hospitals and Rates per 10,000 Population
For Top Forty Statewide Procedures
Wayne County Residents, 2009-2014
Both Sexes, 18-44 Years

(View ICD-9-CM Codes)
    2014       Average  
 All Procedures 119,464.2 113,693 1,877.6 � 4.8 1,841.1 � 10.7
 Fetal Monitoring 13,991.6 12,851 219.9 � 1.6 208.1 � 3.6
 Manually Assisted Delivery 8,213.2 8,631 129.1 � 1.3 139.8 � 3.0
 Repair of Current Obstetric Laceration 7,052.4 7,291 110.8 � 1.2 118.1 � 2.7
 Cesarean Section 7,109.2 6,973 111.7 � 1.2 112.9 � 2.7
 Artificial Rupture of Membranes to Assist Delivery 5,806.8 5,717 91.3 � 1.1 92.6 � 2.4
 Insertion of Catheter or Spinal Stimulator & Injection into 5,046.2 3,827 79.3 � 1.0 62.0 � 2.0
 Medical Induction of Labor 4,645.2 3,730 73.0 � 0.9 60.4 � 1.9
 Blood Transfusion 4,189.0 3,618 65.8 � 0.9 58.6 � 1.9
 Respiratory Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation 3,092.8 3,221 48.6 � 0.8 52.2 � 1.8
 Spinal Fusion 1,654.8 1,404 26.0 � 0.6 22.7 � 1.2
 Vascular Catheterization Except for Heart & Renal Dialysis 3,093.0 2,022 48.6 � 0.8 32.7 � 1.4
 Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization; Coronary Arteriography 2,200.6 2,048 34.6 � 0.7 33.2 � 1.4
 Ligation or Occlusion of Fallopian Tubes 1,023.8 1,059 16.1 � 0.4 17.1 � 1.0
 Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; Biopsy 1,666.2 1,720 26.2 � 0.6 27.9 � 1.3
 Episiotomy 1,692.4 1,389 26.6 � 0.6 22.5 � 1.2
 Forceps; Vacuum; and Breech Delivery 1,206.0 1,141 19.0 � 0.5 18.5 � 1.1
 Prophylactic Vaccinations and Inoculations 1,872.6 1,912 29.4 � 0.6 31.0 � 1.4
 Hemodialysis 1,841.8 1,734 28.9 � 0.6 28.1 � 1.3
 Laminectomy; Excision Intervertebral Disc 807.6 615 12.7 � 0.4 10.0 � 0.8
 Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation/Detoxification 96.6 532 1.5 � 0.1 8.6 � 0.7
 Treatment of Lower Extremity, Except Hip & Femur 820.0 793 12.9 � 0.4 12.8 � 0.9
 Incision and Drainage; Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 1,106.0 1,028 17.4 � 0.5 16.6 � 1.0
 Cholecystectomy and Common Duct Exploration 830.2 732 13.0 � 0.4 11.9 � 0.9
 Hysterectomy; Abdominal and Vaginal 1,065.8 729 16.8 � 0.5 11.8 � 0.9
 Genitourinary Instillation NEC 419.2 397 6.6 � 0.3 6.4 � 0.6
 Excision; Lysis Peritoneal Adhesions 798.6 701 12.6 � 0.4 11.4 � 0.8
 Diagnostic Spinal Tap 744.2 689 11.7 � 0.4 11.2 � 0.8
 Debridement of Wound; Infection or Burn 670.0 674 10.5 � 0.4 10.9 � 0.8
 Incision of Pleura; Thoracentesis; Chest Drainage 709.8 647 11.2 � 0.4 10.5 � 0.8
 Partial Excision Bone 507.6 529 8.0 � 0.3 8.6 � 0.7
 Colonoscopy and Biopsy 709.4 713 11.1 � 0.4 11.5 � 0.8
 Diagnostic Ultrasound of Heart (Echocardiogram) 741.0 668 11.6 � 0.4 10.8 � 0.8
 Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition 645.4 599 10.1 � 0.4 9.7 � 0.8
 Ureteral Catheterization 562.8 563 8.8 � 0.3 9.1 � 0.8
 Psychological and Psychiatric Evaluation and Therapy 87.6 49 1.4 � 0.1 0.8 � 0.2
 Abdominal Paracentesis 486.4 499 7.6 � 0.3 8.1 � 0.7
 Oophorectomy; Unilateral and Bilateral 517.8 381 8.1 � 0.3 6.2 � 0.6
 Appendectomy 607.4 415 9.5 � 0.3 6.7 � 0.6
 Diagnostic Bronchoscopy & Biopsy of Bronchus 533.4 529 8.4 � 0.3 8.6 � 0.7
 Suture of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 552.2 505 8.7 � 0.3 8.2 � 0.7
 All Other Procdeures 30,047.6 30,418 472.3 � 2.4 492.6 � 5.5


Hospitalizations are inpatient hospital stays as measured by stays that were completed during the specified year. The number of hospitalizations is often greater than the number of persons hospitalized since some persons are hospitalized more than once during a year.

Procedures are surgical or nonsurgical operations, diagnostic procedure, or special treatment reported on the medical record of a patient. The number of procedures is often greater than the number of hospitalizations since some hospitalizations have multiple procedures.

Rates are per 10,000 population in the area for the specified year or years. Adding and substracting the number shown after � symbol from the rate creates an interval indicating that the true rate lies between the lower and upper bounds with 95% statistical confidence.
A rate is not calculated and is shown by an "**" if there were less than 6 cases for the specified period and given procedure.

** Indicates the number of procedures is too small (less than 6) to calculate statistically reliable rate.

Source: Michigan Resident Inpatient Files created by the Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, using data from the Michigan Inpatient Database obtained with permission from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association Service Corporation (MHASC).

Usage rights: Portions of this data are taken from a proprietary database owned and maintained by the MHASC. All rights reserved. This data may not be used for commercial purposes without first obtaining written permission from the MHASC. Contact MHASC at [email protected] for more information.

Last Updated: 04/26/2016