View Data by Year:

Selected Causes of Hospitalizations by Gender
Wayne County Residents, Michigan 2022

(Click on Gender Category for Hospitalizations by Selected Age Group)

(View ICD-9-CM & ICD-10-CM)
Male Female
Number Percent Number Percent
 ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS 237,240 104,749 44.2% 132,490 55.9%
 INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES 16,400 8,033 49.0% 8,367 51.0%
   Septicemia 14,525 7,159 49.3% 7,366 50.7%
   All Other Infectious & Parasitic Diseases 1,875 874 46.6% 1,001 53.4%
 SELECTED ACUTE CONDITIONS 77,587 28,931 37.3% 48,656 62.7%
   Newborns and Neonates (Less than 7 days) 21,386 10,923 51.1% 10,463 48.9%
   Females with Deliveries 19,962 19,962 100.0%
   Dehydration (Volume Depletion) 845 383 45.3% 462 54.7%
   Acute Lower Respiratory Infections - Except Brochititis 1,411 790 56.0% 621 44.0%
   Pneumonia 3,600 1,699 47.2% 1,901 52.8%
   Diseases of Appendix 613 319 52.0% 294 48.0%
   Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis & Other Gastroenteritis 1,584 622 39.3% 962 60.7%
   Glomenular & Renal Tubulo-Interstitial Diseases 1,912 718 37.6% 1,194 62.5%
   Inflammatort Diseases of Female Pelvic Organs 177 177 100.0%
   Pregnancy with Abortive Outcomes 280 280 100.0%
   Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 3,518 1,771 50.3% 1,747 49.7%
   Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 263 135 51.3% 128 48.7%
   Convulsions 577 286 49.6% 291 50.4%
   Pain in Throat and Chest 1,059 478 45.1% 581 54.9%
   Injury and Poisoning 20,400 10,807 53.0% 9,593 47.0%
   SELECTED CHRONIC CONDITIONS 86,263 43,431 50.4% 42,832 49.7%
 Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) 6,183 3,053 49.4% 3,130 50.6%
   Neoplasms, Benign and Unspecified Nature 2,075 570 27.5% 1,505 72.5%
   Diabetes Mellitus 6,332 3,393 53.6% 2,939 46.4%
   Anaemias 3,024 1,295 42.8% 1,729 57.2%
   Mood (affective) Disorders 2,767 1,365 49.3% 1,402 50.7%
   Mental and Behavioural Disorders Due to Alcohol 2,727 2,012 73.8% 715 26.2%
   Mental & Behavioural Disorders Due to Drug & Other Sub. 409 254 62.1% 155 37.9%
   Schizophrenia, Schizotypal & Delusional Disorders 2,859 1,740 60.9% 1,119 39.1%
   Alzheimer's Disease 191 68 35.6% 123 64.4%
   Parkinson's Disease 169 114 67.5% 55 32.5%
   Heart Diseases 25,797 13,679 53.0% 12,118 47.0%
   Cerebrovascular Diseases 6,709 3,323 49.5% 3,386 50.5%
   Hypertensions 7,148 3,776 52.8% 3,372 47.2%
   Diseases of Arteries, Arterioles & Capillaries 1,310 758 57.9% 552 42.1%
   Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Bronchiectasis 2,959 1,180 39.9% 1,779 60.1%
   Asthma 1,690 818 48.4% 872 51.6%
   Ulcers of the Stomach and Small Intestine 1,051 519 49.4% 532 50.6%
   Inguinal Hernia 170 144 84.7% 26 15.3%
   Diverticula of Intestine 1,894 744 39.3% 1,150 60.7%
   Gallbladder stones (Cholelithiasis) 1,330 448 33.7% 882 66.3%
   Renal Failure 3,905 1,976 50.6% 1,929 49.4%
   Covid-19 6,783 3,156 46.5% 3,627 53.5%
   Arthropathies 1,814 734 40.5% 1,080 59.5%
   Intervertebral Disc Disorders 712 312 43.8% 400 56.2%
   Congenital Anomalies 527 284 53.9% 243 46.1%
   Care Involving Use of Rehabilitation Procedures 2,369 1,228 51.8% 1,141 48.2%
 ALL OTHER ACUTE & CHRONIC CONDITIONS 57,497 24,618 42.8% 32,878 57.2%


Hospitalizations are inpatient hospital stays as measured by stays that were completed during the specified year. The number of hospitalizations is often greater than the number of persons hospitalized since some persons are hospitalized more than once during a year.

Zero Hospitalizations is shown by a "—".

Both Sexes category includes records with unknown sex.

Percent of hospitalizations for both sexes.

Source: Michigan Resident Inpatient Files created by the Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, using data from the Michigan Inpatient Database obtained with permission from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association Service Corporation (MHASC).

Usage rights: Portions of this data are taken from a proprietary database owned and maintained by the MHASC. All rights reserved. This data may not be used for commercial purposes without first obtaining written permission from the MHASC. Contact MHASC at [email protected] for more information.

Last Updated: 12/04/2023