Selected Causes of Hospitalization by Age Groups
Macomb County Residents, Both Sexes, Michigan 2022

(View ICD-9-CM & ICD-10-CM)
(Click on Selected Age Group for More Detailed Data)
All Ages Less Than
18 Years
65 Years
and Older
 ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS 106,766 12,903 21,562 24,164 48,136
 INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES 7,635 216 941 1,968 4,510
   Septicemia 6,742 66 802 1,761 4,113
   All Other Infectious & Parasitic Diseases 893 150 139 207 397
 SELECTED ACUTE CONDITIONS 33,522 10,393 10,765 3,979 8,384
   Newborns and Neonates (Less than 7 days) 8,888 8,888
   Females with Deliveries 8,234 29 8,186 19
   Dehydration (Volume Depletion) 324 63 27 48 186
   Acute Lower Respiratory Infections - Except Brochititis 547 454 9 20 64
   Pneumonia 1,623 142 86 324 1,071
   Diseases of Appendix 340 58 105 103 74
   Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis & Other Gastroenteritis 869 42 250 264 313
   Glomenular & Renal Tubulo-Interstitial Diseases 836 56 179 236 365
   Inflammatort Diseases of Female Pelvic Organs 56 4 27 15 10
   Pregnancy with Abortive Outcomes 83 82 1
   Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 1,572 77 276 465 754
   Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 111 111
   Convulsions 249 63 68 52 66
   Pain in Throat and Chest 460 51 170 239
   Injury and Poisoning 9,330 406 1,419 2,262 5,242
   SELECTED CHRONIC CONDITIONS 39,995 1,104 5,120 11,325 22,446
 Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) 3,190 45 216 1,124 1,805
   Neoplasms, Benign and Unspecified Nature 1,024 62 237 334 391
   Diabetes Mellitus 2,114 108 504 726 776
   Anaemias 991 71 267 190 463
   Mood (affective) Disorders 1,740 70 869 504 297
   Mental and Behavioural Disorders Due to Alcohol 1,488 1 641 709 137
   Mental & Behavioural Disorders Due to Drug & Other Sub. 205 4 130 59 12
   Schizophrenia, Schizotypal & Delusional Disorders 1,056 12 543 355 146
   Alzheimer's Disease 128 2 126
   Parkinson's Disease 98 13 85
   Heart Diseases 11,990 25 544 3,098 8,323
   Cerebrovascular Diseases 3,095 9 121 893 2,072
   Hypertensions 2,774 2 94 530 2,148
   Diseases of Arteries, Arterioles & Capillaries 617 1 25 178 413
   Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Bronchiectasis 989 3 15 345 626
   Asthma 499 241 110 84 64
   Ulcers of the Stomach and Small Intestine 501 2 47 138 314
   Inguinal Hernia 78 4 2 21 51
   Diverticula of Intestine 973 81 387 505
   Gallbladder stones (Cholelithiasis) 759 20 181 219 339
   Renal Failure 1,560 12 93 375 1,080
   Covid-19 3,653 119 232 808 2,494
   Arthropathies 789 17 50 207 515
   Intervertebral Disc Disorders 295 58 128 109
   Congenital Anomalies 268 160 31 44 33
   Care Involving Use of Rehabilitation Procedures 1,736 116 96 326 1,198
 ALL OTHER ACUTE & CHRONIC CONDITIONS 25,773 1,192 4,763 6,950 12,868


Hospitalizations are inpatient hospital stays as measured by stays that were completed during the specified year. The number of hospitalizations is often greater than the number of persons hospitalized since some persons are hospitalized more than once during a year.

Zero Hospitalizations is shown by a "—".

All Ages category includes records with unknown age.

Source: Michigan Resident Inpatient Files created by the Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, using data from the Michigan Inpatient Database obtained with permission from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association Service Corporation (MHASC).

Usage rights: Portions of this data are taken from a proprietary database owned and maintained by the MHASC. All rights reserved. This data may not be used for commercial purposes without first obtaining written permission from the MHASC. Contact MHASC at [email protected] for more information.

Last Updated: 12/04/2023