Leading Diagnoses for Hospitalizations by Gender
Michigan Residents, 2021

(View Hospitalization Rates per 10,000 Population)

(View ICD-9-CM & ICD-10-CM)
Hospitalizations Percent
  Male   Female   Male   Female
  All  Hospitalizations 1,102,728 499,999 602,726 45.3% 54.7%
  Heart Diseases 119,226 66,075 53,151 55.4% 44.6%
  Newborns and Neonates (Less than 7 days) 104,922 53,794 51,128 51.3% 48.7%
  Females with Deliveries 97,741 97,741 100.0%
  Injury and Poisoning 92,447 47,897 44,548 51.8% 48.2%
  Septicemia 72,184 37,016 35,168 51.3% 48.7%
  Covid-19 60,132 31,079 29,053 51.7% 48.3%
  Cerebrovascular Diseases 31,547 16,078 15,469 51.0% 49.0%
  Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) 30,767 15,871 14,895 51.6% 48.4%
  Hypertensions 26,333 14,026 12,307 53.3% 46.7%
  Diabetes Mellitus 22,860 13,062 9,798 57.1% 42.9%
  Mood (affective) Disorders 20,883 9,551 11,332 45.7% 54.3%
  Renal Failure 16,119 8,519 7,600 52.9% 47.2%
  Arthropathies 14,937 6,511 8,426 43.6% 56.4%
  Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 14,697 7,492 7,205 51.0% 49.0%
  Pneumonia 14,442 7,216 7,226 50.0% 50.0%
  Mental and Behavioural Disorders Due to Alcohol 12,389 9,164 3,225 74.0% 26.0%
  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Bronchiectasis 10,849 4,637 6,212 42.7% 57.3%
  Care Involving Use of Rehabilitation Procedures 10,826 5,986 4,840 55.3% 44.7%
  Schizophrenia, Schizotypal & Delusional Disorders 10,497 6,361 4,136 60.6% 39.4%
  Anaemias 9,496 4,073 5,423 42.9% 57.1%
  All Other Hospitalization Conditions 335,767 232,635 255,496 69.3% 76.1%


Hospitalizations are inpatient hospital stays as measured by stays that were completed during the specified year. The number of hospitalizations is often greater than the number of persons hospitalized since some persons are hospitalized more than once during a year.

Zero Hospitalizations is shown by a "—".

Both Sexes category includes records with unknown sex.

Percent of hospitalizations for both sexes.

Source: Michigan Resident Inpatient Files created by the Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, using data from the Michigan Inpatient Database obtained with permission from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association Service Corporation (MHASC).

Usage rights: Portions of this data are taken from a proprietary database owned and maintained by the MHASC. All rights reserved. This data may not be used for commercial purposes without first obtaining written permission from the MHASC. Contact MHASC at [email protected] for more information.

Last Updated: 01/31/2023