Death Rates by Age, Race and Sex
City Of Detroit Health Department,
Michigan 2021
In Years
All Races White Black
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
All Ages
(Crude Rate)
1,369.7 1,575.2 1,183.2 917.0 1,079.3 736.9 1,436.6 1,650.6 1,249.3
Under 1 1,521.0 1,510.1 1,507.8 633.6 * 722.9 1,713.1 1,730.4 1,664.6
1-14 35.5 38.0 32.9 * * * 37.5 43.4 31.4
15-24 163.3 234.7 92.0 105.4 163.6 * 173.8 245.4 102.4
25-34 389.8 529.8 255.3 250.8 333.4 151.7 416.3 570.7 275.2
35-44 692.9 955.9 460.2 448.7 610.2 250.1 708.5 988.5 476.2
45-54 1,139.0 1,573.1 755.4 758.3 853.4 631.6 1,173.7 1,664.0 766.0
55-64 2,301.7 2,951.9 1,724.0 1,547.8 2,018.3 989.5 2,395.4 3,094.8 1,805.8
65-74 3,614.5 4,832.2 2,714.1 2,509.0 3,433.3 1,606.0 3,756.9 5,018.2 2,868.9
75-84 5,479.7 6,581.5 4,752.1 4,936.1 5,194.8 4,707.2 5,444.6 6,673.8 4,668.5
85 & Over 12,532.4 14,432.4 11,654.7 6,947.1 8,536.6 6,030.2 13,304.0 15,304.7 12,418.7
1,250.3 1,598.1 975.2 1,062.1 1,305.0 813.0 1,301.2 1,682.3 1,014.2

Note: Age-adjusted death rates are based on age-specific death rates per 100,000 population in specified group. Age-adjusted death rates are computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States for the year 2000. Death records with race and/or sex not stated were randomly allocated prior to computation of age-specific death rates.   Records with age not stated were included in the "85+" row.
Source: 2021 Geocoded Michigan Death Certificate Registry.   Division for Vital Records & Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services; Population Estimate (latest update 7/2020), National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Census Populations With Bridged Race Categories
2020-2022 population is 2020 CDC Bridge estimates proportionally fitted to U.S. Census population estimates. .