View Data by Year:

Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations By Sex
Michigan Residents, 2022

View ICD-9-CM Codes
Male Female Both
Number Percent Number Percent
  ALL AMBULATORY CARE SENSITIVE CONDITIONS 121,715 48.9% 127,465 51.2% 249,180
  ALL AVOIDABLE HOSPITALIZATIONS 17,481 50.1% 17,424 49.9% 34,905
  Congenital Syphilis 30 47.6% 33 52.4% 63
  Failure to Thrive, Age < 1 Year 87 50.9% 84 49.1% 171
  Dental Problems 368 50.0% 368 50.0% 736
  Vaccine-Preventable Diseases 77 61.6% 48 38.4% 125
  Iron Deficiency Anemia, Age 0-5 Years 193 54.8% 159 45.2% 352
  Nutritional Deficiencies 16,726 50.0% 16,732 50.0% 33,458
  ALL ACUTE HOSPITALIZATIONS 58,681 47.2% 65,691 52.8% 124,372
  Bacterial Pneumonia 6,863 48.5% 7,276 51.5% 14,139
  Cellulitis 3,266 51.6% 3,062 48.4% 6,328
  Convulsions 1,147 50.4% 1,127 49.6% 2,274
  Dehydration (Primary Diagnosis) 1,423 46.8% 1,618 53.2% 3,041
  Dehydration (Secondary Diagnoses) 44,164 47.7% 48,512 52.4% 92,676
  Gastroenteritis 867 34.6% 1,641 65.4% 2,508
  Hypoglycemia 89 41.2% 127 58.8% 216
  Kidney/Urinary Infection 330 18.1% 1,495 81.9% 1,825
  Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 398 100.0% 398
  Severe Ear, Nose & Throat Infections 482 54.6% 401 45.4% 883
  Skin Grafts with Cellulitis 50 59.5% 34 40.5% 84
  ALL CHRONIC HOSPITALIZATIONS 45,553 50.7% 44,350 49.3% 89,903
  Angina 203 48.9% 212 51.1% 415
  Asthma 2,128 46.4% 2,457 53.6% 4,585
  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary 4,656 41.6% 6,543 58.4% 11,199
  Congestive Heart Failure 9,162 48.7% 9,653 51.3% 18,815
  Diabetes 24,764 53.6% 21,434 46.4% 46,198
  Grand Mal & Other Epileptic Conditions 4,512 53.5% 3,920 46.5% 8,432
  Hypertension 96 46.2% 112 53.9% 208
  Tuberculosis (Non-Pulmonary) 9 50.0% 9 50.0% 18
  Pulmonary Tuberculosis 23 69.7% 10 30.3% 33


Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations are hospitalizations for conditions where timely and effective ambulatory care can decrease hospitalizations by preventing the onset of an illness or condition, controlling an acute episode of an illness or managing a chronic disease or condition. Primary diagnosis was used to select records for all of these preventable conditions except for dehydration, iron deficiency anemia, and nutritional deficiency which were selected by both primary and secondary diagnoses.

Hospitalizations are inpatient hospital stays as measured by stays that were completed during the specified year. The number of hospitalizations is often greater than the number of persons hospitalized since some persons are hospitalized more than once during a year.  Zero hospitalization is shown by a "—".

All Ages category includes records with unknown age.

Source: Michigan Resident Inpatient Files created by the Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, using data from the Michigan Inpatient Database obtained with permission from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association Service Corporation (MHASC).

Usage rights: Portions of this data are taken from a proprietary database owned and maintained by the MHASC. All rights reserved. This data may not be used for commercial purposes without first obtaining written permission from the MHASC. Contact MHASC at [email protected] for more information.

Last Updated: 03/22/2024