Forty Leading Procedures Performed In Short-Stay Hospitals by Gender
Michigan Residents, 2014

(View Procedure Rates per 10,000 Population By Gender)

(View ICD-9-CM Codes)
Procedures Percent
  Male   Female   Male   Female
  All  Procedures 2,128,940 966,780 1,162,123 45.4% 54.5%
  Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization; Coronary Arteriography 117,212 70,532 46,677 60.1% 39.8%
  Blood Transfusion 108,273 50,729 57,544 46.8% 53.1%
  Respiratory Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation 104,594 55,862 48,727 53.4% 46.5%
  Prophylactic Vaccinations and Inoculations 66,651 32,484 34,164 48.7% 51.2%
  Vascular Catheterization Except for Heart & Renal Dialysis 62,364 31,763 30,601 50.9% 49.0%
  Spinal Fusion 52,252 24,212 28,040 46.3% 53.6%
  Circumcision 48,259 48,259 100.0%
  Fetal Monitoring 45,828 45,828 100.0%
  Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; Biopsy 43,952 20,272 23,679 46.1% 53.8%
  Repair of Current Obstetric Laceration 40,441 40,441 100.0%
  Manually Assisted Delivery 40,302 40,302 100.0%
  Hemodialysis 37,653 19,902 17,751 52.8% 47.1%
  Cesarean Section 36,565 36,565 100.0%
  Artificial Rupture of Membranes to Assist Delivery 34,910 34,910 100.0%
  Arthroplasty Knee 32,461 12,315 20,146 37.9% 62.0%
  Insertion of Catheter or Spinal Stimulator & Injection into 28,698 1,914 26,784 6.6% 93.3%
  Diagnostic Ultrasound of Heart (Echocardiogram) 28,043 15,751 12,291 56.1% 43.8%
  Hip Replacement; Total and Partial 27,432 12,085 15,346 44.0% 55.9%
  Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition 24,785 12,968 11,817 52.3% 47.6%
  Incision of Pleura; Thoracentesis; Chest Drainage 23,038 12,506 10,532 54.2% 45.7%
  Laminectomy; Excision Intervertebral Disc 23,032 12,043 10,989 52.2% 47.7%
  Medical Induction of Labor 22,410 22,410 100.0%
  Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplastry 19,461 12,724 6,736 65.3% 34.6%
  Colonoscopy and Biopsy 16,935 7,187 9,748 42.4% 57.5%
  Insertion; Revision; Replacement; Removal of Cardiac Pacemak 15,826 8,590 7,235 54.2% 45.7%
  Diagnostic Bronchoscopy & Biopsy of Bronchus 15,472 8,607 6,865 55.6% 44.3%
  Partial Excision Bone 14,946 7,631 7,315 51.0% 48.9%
  Insertion of Drug-Eluting Coronary Artery Stent(s) 14,576 9,586 4,989 65.7% 34.2%
  Abdominal Paracentesis 13,565 7,106 6,459 52.3% 47.6%
  Conversion of Cardiac Rhythm 13,392 7,790 5,600 58.1% 41.8%
  Coronary Artery Bypass Graft 13,091 9,673 3,418 73.8% 26.1%
  Debridement of Wound; Infection or Burn 12,914 7,446 5,468 57.6% 42.3%
  Extracorporeal Circulation Auxiliary to Open Heart Procedure 12,790 8,550 4,239 66.8% 33.1%
  Diagnostic Spinal Tap 11,731 5,723 6,008 48.7% 51.2%
  Arterio- or Venogram (not Heart & Head) 11,578 6,142 5,436 53.0% 46.9%
  Colorectal Resection 11,456 5,226 6,230 45.6% 54.3%
  Excision; Lysis Peritoneal Adhesions 11,185 3,390 7,795 30.3% 69.6%
  Venous Catheterization for Renal Dialysis 10,814 6,011 4,803 55.5% 44.4%
  Injection of Anesthetic or other Agent into Peripheral Nerve 10,769 4,221 6,548 39.2% 60.8%
  Treatment; Fracture or Dislocation of Hip and Femur 10,622 3,863 6,759 36.3% 63.6%
  All Other Procedures 838,662 403,717 434,928 48.1% 51.8%


Hospitalizations are inpatient hospital stays as measured by stays that were completed during the specified year. The number of hospitalizations is often greater than the number of persons hospitalized since some persons are hospitalized more than once during a year.

Procedures are surgical or nonsurgical operations, diagnostic procedure, or special treatment reported on the medical record of a patient. The number of procedures is often greater than the number of hospitalizations since some hospitalizations have multiple procedures.

Zero Procedures is shown by a "—".

Both Sexes category includes records with unknown sex.

Percent of procedures for both sexes.

Source: Michigan Resident Inpatient Files created by the Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, using data from the Michigan Inpatient Database obtained with permission from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association Service Corporation (MHASC).

Usage rights: Portions of this data are taken from a proprietary database owned and maintained by the MHASC. All rights reserved. This data may not be used for commercial purposes without first obtaining written permission from the MHASC. Contact MHASC at [email protected] for more information.

Last Updated: 04/26/2016