Selected Causes of Hospitalization by Age Groups
Michigan Residents, Both Sexes, 2022

(View ICD-9-CM & ICD-10-CM)
(Click on Selected Age Group for More Detailed Data)
All Ages Less Than
18 Years
65 Years
and Older
 ALL HOSPITALIZATIONS 1,062,807 143,434 229,652 242,433 447,272
 INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES 77,221 1,996 9,170 21,537 44,517
   Septicemia 69,761 870 7,943 19,614 41,333
   All Other Infectious & Parasitic Diseases 7,460 1,126 1,227 1,923 3,184
 SELECTED ACUTE CONDITIONS 356,095 117,412 120,443 40,400 77,831
   Newborns and Neonates (Less than 7 days) 102,197 102,197
   Females with Deliveries 94,895 842 93,858 195
   Dehydration (Volume Depletion) 3,041 704 172 482 1,683
   Acute Lower Respiratory Infections - Except Brochititis 4,753 4,056 56 188 453
   Pneumonia 17,018 1,629 937 3,637 10,814
   Diseases of Appendix 3,231 608 983 951 689
   Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis & Other Gastroenteritis 6,588 321 2,011 1,994 2,262
   Glomenular & Renal Tubulo-Interstitial Diseases 7,816 485 1,587 2,337 3,407
   Inflammatort Diseases of Female Pelvic Organs 566 23 342 139 62
   Pregnancy with Abortive Outcomes 748 9 735 4
   Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue 13,732 662 2,612 4,407 6,051
   Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 1,207 1,202 5
   Convulsions 2,274 463 556 522 733
   Pain in Throat and Chest 3,762 4 352 1,473 1,933
   Injury and Poisoning 94,267 4,207 16,237 24,071 49,744
   SELECTED CHRONIC CONDITIONS 383,780 11,333 53,162 111,288 207,995
 Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) 30,197 486 2,077 10,495 17,139
   Neoplasms, Benign and Unspecified Nature 9,039 578 1,961 3,019 3,481
   Diabetes Mellitus 22,796 1,017 5,912 8,098 7,769
   Anaemias 9,092 658 2,584 1,792 4,058
   Mood (affective) Disorders 19,313 1,117 10,955 5,218 2,023
   Mental and Behavioural Disorders Due to Alcohol 11,588 11 5,131 5,279 1,167
   Mental & Behavioural Disorders Due to Drug & Other Sub. 1,566 21 899 450 196
   Schizophrenia, Schizotypal & Delusional Disorders 10,009 91 5,729 3,077 1,111
   Alzheimer's Disease 929 2 33 894
   Parkinson's Disease 760 2 87 671
   Heart Diseases 118,890 247 6,074 32,434 80,135
   Cerebrovascular Diseases 32,182 90 1,421 9,083 21,588
   Hypertensions 25,717 21 1,121 5,760 18,815
   Diseases of Arteries, Arterioles & Capillaries 7,076 19 372 2,199 4,486
   Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Bronchiectasis 10,462 11 187 3,927 6,337
   Asthma 4,585 2,353 951 741 540
   Ulcers of the Stomach and Small Intestine 4,789 18 435 1,391 2,945
   Inguinal Hernia 729 38 44 168 479
   Diverticula of Intestine 9,186 944 3,330 4,912
   Gallbladder stones (Cholelithiasis) 6,245 108 1,464 1,777 2,896
   Renal Failure 16,544 130 1,233 4,109 11,072
   Covid-19 29,791 1,206 2,070 7,219 19,295
   Arthropathies 9,018 155 456 2,273 6,134
   Intervertebral Disc Disorders 3,236 3 644 1,417 1,172
   Congenital Anomalies 2,886 1,666 430 447 343
   Care Involving Use of Rehabilitation Procedures 11,371 1,291 955 2,651 6,474
 ALL OTHER ACUTE & CHRONIC CONDITIONS 247,212 12,712 47,107 69,782 117,607


Hospitalizations are inpatient hospital stays as measured by stays that were completed during the specified year. The number of hospitalizations is often greater than the number of persons hospitalized since some persons are hospitalized more than once during a year.

Zero Hospitalizations is shown by a "—".

All Ages category includes records with unknown age.

Source: Michigan Resident Inpatient Files created by the Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Michigan Department of Health & Human Services, using data from the Michigan Inpatient Database obtained with permission from the Michigan Health & Hospital Association Service Corporation (MHASC).

Usage rights: Portions of this data are taken from a proprietary database owned and maintained by the MHASC. All rights reserved. This data may not be used for commercial purposes without first obtaining written permission from the MHASC. Contact MHASC at [email protected] for more information.

Last Updated: 12/04/2023